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Thread: Android Auto and MIB II

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattaus View Post
    A sadly less than stellar experience this morning. Some of the issues I highlighted previously occures again plus some new ones. Definitely don't start Android auto while the radio it running otherwise you won't get around out of the thing. I'm going to try my free Google Music subscription and see if the same issue occur. If not, then I know Spotify for AA needs some serious work!
    I believe Apple have their Music App/streaming service now available for subscription on Google Play.

    Why don't you give that a go, Matt?

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralfi View Post
    I believe Apple have their Music App/streaming service now available for subscription on Google Play.

    Why don't you give that a go, Matt?

    Haha well unfortunately AA doesn't appear to support Apple Music yet

    I will note that the UI for Google Music is identical to Spotify on Android Auto apart from the orange colour scheme. I gave it a short run this morning but I must say I don't like Google Music much at the moment. Spotify has far superior music organisation abilities compared to Google Music.
    2016 GTI Performance | Pure White | JB1 | Dog Bone | Full Tint | Stop/Start Delete | Avatar by sandwg

  3. #13
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    So I keep my location accuracy on "Battery Saving" which basically uses cell towers and WiFi networks to determine location.

    I have noticed that every time after using AA, it switches to high accuracy. If left in this mode it kills my battery. I can understand it switching to high accuracy when plugged in, but it should revert back to whatever the setting was pre-AA after being disconnected.

    Any one else see this issue? Have you even noticed?
    2016 GTI Performance | Pure White | JB1 | Dog Bone | Full Tint | Stop/Start Delete | Avatar by sandwg

  4. #14
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    Im having issues with my new phone. (Xperia Z5) It connects to AA every time although the audio does not play correctly. I either get a very choppy sound or it reverts to play via the phone speaker. Have tried different cables, disconnecting BT etc etc. Still no go. Any ideas?

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeysrus View Post
    Im having issues with my new phone. (Xperia Z5) It connects to AA every time although the audio does not play correctly. I either get a very choppy sound or it reverts to play via the phone speaker. Have tried different cables, disconnecting BT etc etc. Still no go. Any ideas?
    Sorry, I can't say I've had anything consistently like that though I have experienced those issues once or twice. They normally fix themselves.

    AA is definitely in beta. I get lots of random bugs that make it unworkable at times, but they are working on it. Depending on how much you care you car ask questions over at the XDA forums as someone may know what the problem is.
    2016 GTI Performance | Pure White | JB1 | Dog Bone | Full Tint | Stop/Start Delete | Avatar by sandwg

  6. #16
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    Thanks. I put a question up on the android forum. Nothing i have not tried has come up yet. Just frustrating as my HTC would always default to mirrorlink not AA, new phone hooks up perfectly apart from the audio!

  7. #17
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    All is fixed after the phone did a big update. (not to marshmallow though - just sony fixes i assume)

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeysrus View Post
    All is fixed after the phone did a big update. (not to marshmallow though - just sony fixes i assume)
    Good to hear! Is performance stable?

    For me it's become slightly worse again. My connect/disconnect issues remain, but now I also get other problems like:

    • it repeats every message I've received instead of just the last one when I listen to a received message
    • a random failure to understand me at all if I try to change a message after the first 'draft'
    • it is definitely worse at understanding me
    • issues with selecting new playlists while an existing playlist is playing in Spotify

    Thankfully (I think) it seems to be a common issue with VW headunits and Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) so there may be a fix at some point, although it's on the VW side, not in Android.
    2016 GTI Performance | Pure White | JB1 | Dog Bone | Full Tint | Stop/Start Delete | Avatar by sandwg

  9. #19
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    For now it seems to be working as it should, maybe I should hold off on the marshmallow update when it comes! My Bluetooth connection is much more stable as well so I assume the update fixed that as well.

    Pandora etc is seamless now, only thing that bugs me is not being able to turn off notification from whatsapp etc.

  10. #20
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    Fix my connectivity issues. I have updated the original post with the correct method for pairing Android Auto with the MIB II unit. It seems I was the only person around here having the issues, but I was not alone worldwide

    I did also notice yesterday that Google have introduced an Australian accent to AA as well, which is nice. It worked for the most part but I did notice that it defaulted back to the Yankee accent a few times. The system was also struggling a bit at the time, but maybe my discovery above will alleviate some of the slowness I've experienced in the past.
    Last edited by mattaus; 21-01-2016 at 10:56 AM.
    2016 GTI Performance | Pure White | JB1 | Dog Bone | Full Tint | Stop/Start Delete | Avatar by sandwg

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