9W7 and iPhone4S drops Bluetooth Connection
I'm having trouble keeping my iPhone 4s and 9W7 connected. I've had no problems previously with an iPhone 4 or 3GS, both running IOS 5.
I've looked at a few threads regarding the 9W7 plus a few regarding the iPhone 4s and have not found anything.
My problem is that the phone drops its Bluetooth connection once hanging up from an incoming call. It can be reconnected by "resetting" the link by disabling and re-enabling Bluetooth (easiest way to do this is by entering and leaving flight mode on the phone).
I've seen a few posts on other forums suggesting that disabling Siri helps plus others saying that it's an Apple issue that may be fixed in IOS 5.1. I tend to believe it's an Apple issue as it's only been a problem on the 4s.
I'd be really keen to hear whether anyone's had similar problems or if anybody has had no problems at with a 4s using other Bluetooth units (say a late version of the 9w7, a 9WZ or something)?
dibdib, dubdub
White Tiguan 147TSi, MY11 7Spd DSG, Park Assist, MDI, Phone Integration
White Polo GTI 5dr MY12.5