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Actually I'm a software developer.
Like I said, you don't own the digital content when you buy software. You are buying a licence to use the software. When you install software you agree to the terms of the licence. In most cases the terms of licence will limit the installation to one device, one user, or something similar.
While I can understand your gripe that you are no longer using the software and therefore should be allowed to sell it, the software is still installed on your device. It should be deleted before you sell it. Of course, if the version you are installing needs the old version pre installed to work then it is definitely wrong to sell it.
As I said, it all depends on the licence you agreed to with the older update. And, licence agreements are never favourable to the purchaser, they are not in a position to negotiate.
That's why I stated I didn't want to take the high ground, I understand the argument from both sides. What makes it even 'funnier' is you can use Google as a navigation device, the maps are more up to date than the current offerings from traditional navigation devices, and it costs nothing.
I can see the day coming when cars will be even more like computers. We won't have radios, CD players, Navigation. We will have apps. Want navigation? Download Google maps, whereIs or another app. Wish you ordered heated seats? Go to the VW app store and download the upgrade.
I know I should have a thicker skin about this, but any suggestion that I am doing something unethical, immoral or illegal cuts because I live my life and worked for 30+ years with ethics at my core - well, as best as I can. Therefore, I am genuinely interested to make sure that I am doing the right thing.
I know you said that it depends on the licence agreement, but are you suggesting that, for example, I should be keeping the discs of all the versions of Microsoft Office I have purchased since Office 97, now 20 years old? I would think not. Even if every subsequent version was an upgrade, I would opine that I have the licence to the youngest full version, but that each upgrade or update appends that licence, such that the previous upgrade was now free to be sold so someone else to use, provided they also own a licence to a full version that can legally be upgraded. So, ignoring the different editions (standard, professional, home & office, etc), an example upgrade and sales path for Office could look like this:
- Office 97 Full. Original purchase. Must be kept.
- Office 97 Full + Office 2000 Upgrade = Office 2000 Full. Both must be kept.
- Office 97 Full + Office XP Upgrade = Office XP Full. Office 2000 Upgrade can be sold.
- Office 97 Full + Office 2003 Upgrade = Office 2003 Full. Office XP Upgrade can be sold.
- Office 2007 Full. Now Office 97 Full and Office 2003 Upgrade can be sold, either separately or together.
- Office 2007 Full + Office 2010 Upgrade = Office 2010 Full. These two must be kept.
- Office 2007 Full + Office 2013 Upgrade = Office 2013 Full, so Office 2010 Upgrade can be sold.
- Office 2016 Full purchased through Office 365 subscription. Now Office 2007 Full and Office 2013 Upgrade can be sold, either separately or together.
Translating this to the navigation in my Tiguan. My car was upgraded by replacing the original RCD-310 with an RNS-510. Firmware to operated the unit is embedded in ROM, so I have that licence (unit can't work without it anyway, and firmware upgrades seem to be freely available all over the internet, including on vwwatercooled). Additionally, the unit included v7 maps (either in ROM, but I suspect more likely on the hard drive) which I guess I might have a separate licence to use. I did not get a disc to go with this. Anyway, the maps upgrade and sales path will probably look like this:
- RNS-510, including v7 Maps Full (if there is such a thing). Original purchase. If I had a v7 disc, that must be kept.
- RNS-510 + v8 Maps Update = v8 Maps Full. If I had v7 Maps Full disc I expect I would be required to keep that along with the v8 Maps Update disc. That said, it looks like the next version is a full version too, so that opens the possibility that only the disc for the current version needs to be kept.
- RNS-510 + v9 Maps Update = v9 Maps Full. I am now free to sell the v8 Maps Update disc.
I have looked on the v8 Maps Update packaging and disc, and at the disc contents, and I can find nothing that looks like a licence agreement, except a note on the back of the package that parallel use is authorised for one system only.
As I said up front, I want to do the right thing, so anyone feel free to make a counter argument as to why I should not be allowed to sell my v8 Maps Update disc.
Daily: 2010 Tiguan TDI | Candy White | Manual | 4MOTION | New York Wheels | Comfort Pack | Tinted Windows | Discover Media | MkVI MFSW | Mk7 Climatronic | RVC | Fog Lights | ECB Nudge Bar | Hella 160 Driving Lights | Rola RBXL135 Cross Bars | To Do: Colour MFD
Toy: 2008 GTI Pirelli | Sunflower Yellow | 3 Door | DSG | Pirelli Wheels | RNS-510 | 9W7 Bluetooth | RVC | Rear Sensors | Fog Lights | To Do: Mk7 Climatronics, MkVI MFSW, Colour MFD