It’s a relief to hear that plastics in engine bay are not damaged by it. I noticed on the dipstick that it might have been slightly overfilled. He and I saw that he went a little over 4L in a 5L Castrol Edge (?) 5W-30 - it was the last bottom line and went a bit over that. He didn’t seem too worried.
I’ve been checking the engine oil when it’s warm today and after 20-30 minutes of shutting down and it’s above the max - probably about ?5mm. I’ve got a photo of it but don’t know how to post it here. This dipstick is a bit different to my other car that it’s not twisted above the max level. Don’t know if it’s that. It makes a smeared oil mark up to much above the max line with some space in the middle. I think the solid oil mark (no space in middle) is like 5mm or less above the max line. Is it something that would cause problems? That is by adding 100-200ml of extra engine oil.