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Thread: shell premium v mobil premium

  1. #1
    gpk_gti Guest

    Exclamation shell premium v mobil premium

    hey vww'rs,

    usually fill up with shell v power premium but this morning I filled up with MOBIL synergy 8000.
    well,,,, what a difference!!!! my car was boosting its nut off ,felt much more responsive and as the revs gained ,the boost peaked higher and earlier!!

    I fill up at the usual couple of shells and dont go out of my area and fill.

    ive been told a few times the shell fuel is not as good as MOBIL but I never believed it untill today..... looks like the 4c discount is a load of pooo,,get a inferior fuel for the price,not that I give a #%$#% for the shopper docket scam.

    I would like to know what you guys have noticed......

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Kilsyth, VIC
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    I have been using BP Ultimate 98 (or whatever their 98 is). Never been a big fan of Shell, especially since I know a few people who claimed issues with the local Shell place.

    Once upon a time I used the Caltex premium fuel, but the local place (which is opposite the police station) had too many issues with people doing a runner on fuel so made is pay before you pump. For a while they would let the regulars get away with it, but now they don't. How the hell do I estimate that I will need $53.26 to fill up this tank when I am paying with a credit card?

    ah hem.

    Never really used Mobil although on the ocasions that I have I haven't had any issues, but I can't say as I have noticed a difference.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Glen Waverley, VIC
    Mobil 8000 is pretty good, but I agree with The Hawk. BP Ultimate (the BLUE one) is too good. You do pay premium price (pardon the pun) but even after changing from Mobil 8000, you can feel the improved response and fuel economy. You'd have to for the price you pay for it! As for Shell - you may as well add metho as a fuel additive as far as I'm concerned n:
    Two more feet and I can fit it in the fridge!!-Homer S.
    Me: 2007 Golf GTI DSG
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    hmm strange,

    i've been filling up BP since the first day i got my car, then thought i'd switch it up one day and filled up some Shell Vpower and it had actually became more responsive.

    Also the car used to leave a bad smell of fumes every time i start her up, now it has dissappeared..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Yeah i like mobil too but im too cheap to use the 98 stuff. I would have to go out of my way to fill up at a shell, BP is even worse i dont even know where the nearest one is!

  6. #6
    When we did the GOR bay run I filled up with BP ultimate and I was very impressed with it. My 2nd choice is now Mobil 8000.

    I'll stick $10 of v-power in only if I reach dire straights wich is very rare.
    Quote Originally Posted by Whubbsie View Post
    There is nothing better than a polo badge, thats why you will notice Veyron drivers with polo gti badges.... they know where the true sizzles at!

  7. #7
    I've finished my V-power test run now and am going to switch to Ultimate now for the next 20 tanks or so.
    I have my RED , 3DR MKV GTI with leather in manual and I love it!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    i ran my own, un-scientific tests on v-power, mobil 8000 and bp ultimate, over a period of about 4 or 5 months on my stock mkiv gti...

    most of my driving is done on 70-90 roads.

    my observations were:

    mobil 8000 felt most powerful, but was the least fuel efficient (perhaps this was brought on by the more powerful feeling).
    v-power was second most powerful, but i occasionally seemed to get a bad tank at random servos, where it felt like i was filling up with 95 premium or something, much less power, so i found v-power least consistent, although bad tank or not always lasted longer than mobil .
    bp ultimate was always smooth, but felt less powerful than the others. lasted about the same as v-power

    it was a fun 4 months of testing, but to be honest i dont' know much more after having done it....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Hawk View Post
    Once upon a time I used the Caltex premium fuel, but the local place (which is opposite the police station) had too many issues with people doing a runner on fuel so made is pay before you pump. For a while they would let the regulars get away with it, but now they don't. How the hell do I estimate that I will need $53.26 to fill up this tank when I am paying with a credit card?
    Yep I refuse to buy petrol at places that make you pay before you pump - It just pisses me off - Also the ones that want you to use the window to buy anything from inside. ****s me.

    But back on topic - I find BP Ultimate is the best (And most importantly, the most consistent) and my car is tuned to run on 98+. In Shells defense, V power racing was definently the best fuel i've used in the past (Not normal shell, or normal v-power - They're rubbish) but I stopped using it all together because the 3 or 4 places in Sydney that actually sell it don't have it half the time. [No point letting my ECU learn to use a better fuel if it takes a ~tank and I can only get the fuel every few tanks!]

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I don't know if it's just a placebo effect, but BP Ultimate, like you guys have said already, is the most consistent. I rarely use Mobil purely because I hardly go past any, but try to when I do drive past one and need fuel. It felt consistent to me also. Shell V Power however always gave me a great impression straight after fueling up, but then wouldn't feel as good the next time I start the car up. Again, it may be just a placebo from reading comments...

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