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Thread: shell premium v mobil premium

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Five Dock, Sydney

    I ran a personal test... I have always swayed to Shell VPower but for 1 month (Nov) I ran BP U98 and now switched back.

    I found the Shell to give slightly better performance, and strangely I was getting less fuel economy (18L/100 mth avg) vs 15L/100 avg I am getting on SHell.

    Don't know if my V6 is reacting better to the Shell or just me?! Either way, I pass 3 shells on the way to work and BP is in the opposite direction, so I will stick to Shell.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodfella View Post
    I found the Shell to give slightly better performance, and strangely I was getting less fuel economy (18L/100 mth avg) vs 15L/100 avg I am getting on SHell.
    What are you driving to get those figures? 4x4?

    Just seems pretty high... my VR6 is using in the high 12.x's, but then I drive it like it should be

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  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodfella View Post
    I ran a personal test... I have always swayed to Shell VPower but for 1 month (Nov) I ran BP U98 and now switched back.

    I found the Shell to give slightly better performance, and strangely I was getting less fuel economy (18L/100 mth avg) vs 15L/100 avg I am getting on SHell.

    Don't know if my V6 is reacting better to the Shell or just me?! Either way, I pass 3 shells on the way to work and BP is in the opposite direction, so I will stick to Shell.
    VPower I've only found to be good to use for a day at most (for a cruise or longer trip) before it's performance drops down to Mobil/BP/Caltex @ 98 RON. The heat, and time in the tank kills the octane value pretty quick.

    It's like driving with a full tank at the start of the week, and running like a dog come Friday. But only it's on the next day with VPower.

    I run BP Ultimate and Mobil 8000 as my second choice.

  4. #24
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    I choose V-power... purely on the basis that its like 6-7 doors down ie. 9 second trip in the car

    Its always higher than the BP down the road, but you end up paying less for premium in the end. I can notice a neglible difference between BP 95 and 98 shell, but we're talking about the 2.slow here. Hardly a difference

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    i use mobil 8000 in all my cars. mostly out of habit as some cars i have fuel cards for but also i have found through testing that it makes the cars run better and i get more ks to a tank.

  6. #26
    I've been running ultimate for a little while now, and I've gotta say the car feels a lot better. I found when using shell, during hard acceleration (in my MKV GTI) the car had a bit of a flat spot, almost like a hesitation which was really noticeable. This has completely cleared up with the ultimate.

    As far as my testing goes so far the ultimate is looking good, although I have run significantly less of it, so time will tell.

    Shell v power (619.01 liters)
    Consumption - 10.50 L/100km
    Av cost per liter - 137.10

    BP Ultimate (172.67 liters)
    Consumption - 9.51 L/100km
    Av cost per liter - 148.70

    So far (since the 10/05/07 when I purchased my first tank of juice) my baby has cost me $1107.14 in petrol.
    I have my RED , 3DR MKV GTI with leather in manual and I love it!

  7. #27
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    Dec 2007
    Guys, whilst we're talking fuel, and hopefully I'm not too far off topic, but I'm going to take delivery of my first GTI this week, and as you prob know it takes 98 Oct what do I do if I'm ever at a servo that only has regular unleaded? Should I add a boost, in which case, any recommendations?

    MkV MY08 GTI - Black - DSG - SRoof - Leather

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTI_SYD View Post
    Guys, whilst we're talking fuel, and hopefully I'm not too far off topic, but I'm going to take delivery of my first GTI this week, and as you prob know it takes 98 Oct what do I do if I'm ever at a servo that only has regular unleaded? Should I add a boost, in which case, any recommendations?

    Mine came from the dealer with a tank of 95RON - it ran fine, but I did notice an improvement in smoothness and throttle response when I filled-up with 98.

    The user manual doesn't put any restrictions on using 95, other than stating you may notice a slight decrease in performance as the knock sensor reacts to pinging in some circumstances.

    Bottom line is: it runs fine on 95, just not quite as well as it does on 98. However, I wouldn't put 91RON (ULP) in it under any circumstances.

    2018 Golf GTI, Manual - gone.
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  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splashalot View Post
    Mine came from the dealer with a tank of 95RON - it ran fine, but I did notice an improvement in smoothness and throttle response when I filled-up with 98.

    The user manual doesn't put any restrictions on using 95, other than stating you may notice a slight decrease in performance as the knock sensor reacts to pinging in some circumstances.

    Bottom line is: it runs fine on 95, just not quite as well as it does on 98.

    Thanks for that - but isn't regular unleaded something like 91? So if you're stuck with regular and in the middle of nowhere, can you add something to give it the extra octane? In which case does anyone have any suggestions?

    MkV MY08 GTI - Black - DSG - SRoof - Leather

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    The chances of being somewhere where they dont sell even 95 is quite small. I do a bit of travelling and in the past 5 years I dont ever recall seeing a petrol station without having at least 95 RON, most having 98 RON.

    If you are really concerned then you could always carry a bottle of octane booster. If they dont have 95 then they probably wont have octane boosters either.

    If your next question is: 'Which brand/type should I buy?' I cannot tell you that its all on personal preferance the same way people prefer V-Power over Ultimate.

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