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Thread: shell 100 octane

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    i used to use e10 in my golf mk2 gti and to be honest, my average usage was around 8.5l per100km cause i drive a bit lead footed. now with the 100oct i got same thing but only 20km more per tank.
    i did a weekly thing of filling one week with e10 which was 95-96oct and the next with 100oct.
    the 100oct was absolute crap imo and didnt make any diff to even the e10 from shell.
    xcept the couple k's more.
    performence wise and tourquewise i say the e10 ran alot better.
    i ran the e10 for about 1n half years and now i took my engine apart and there isnt even a little thing worn or look used in my engine.
    the point for 100 octane is to run high performance cars, not your every day cars.
    hence why high performance charged engines and luxury or top of the range cars require a minimum of 98oct.
    also because in germany and alot of other european countries 98 is now the lowest set of petrol you can get.
    98 is standard.
    Golf MK2 Project
    Daily car: Audi 90 2.3L 5cyl manual
    "I run everything under pressure, from my supercharger to my blood"

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Liverpool, Sydney
    does anyone know if this is still availible in sydney anymore?

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Sydney, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Quote Originally Posted by addictions View Post
    does anyone know if this is still availible in sydney anymore?
    Nope, Shell have dropped it as a product.
    Nothing to see here...

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