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Thread: Polo 6R 77TSI - intermittent oil pressure light - VW 505.00 oil

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Polo 6R 77TSI - intermittent oil pressure light - VW 505.00 oil

    Hi guys,

    Need your expert advice on this issue:

    I have a 2011 Polo 6R 77TSI.
    Currently it is having an intermittent oil pressure light flicking on after driving for a while and then turning off. Generally it comes on at low RPMs.

    Just a couple of weeks ago I took it to my VW Dealer due to the same issue + rattling on cold startup. They replaced my timing chain tensioner and said it was all good.

    But the intermittent oil pressure light still comes on while driving. So I took it back to VW but they said they couldn't find any faults or replicate the oil light - but I suspect they didn't drive the car for long enough.

    Before getting my timing chain replaced, I had my last logbook service done my RACWA (not VW). I notice on their invoice that they used Valvoline Synpower 5W-40 oil (VW 505.00 specification).
    My Owner's manual says I should be using 504.00 specification.

    Could the 505.00 oil be causing my oil pressure light to come on?
    If this is the case, I will go back to RACWA and get them to switch out my oil to 504.00

  2. #2
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    The oil specs are 502-505 5w -30 which is an oil rated for petrol engines for VW and others 504-507 5w-30 is for petrol (if you like spending money) and specifically for diesel engines with a particulate filter

    502-505 is perfectly suitable for a petrol engine.

    It doesnt however hurt to use the other It just costs quite a bit more.

    The more relevant thing is to use ONLY VW APPROVED oil. NOT "SUITABLE FOR" only APPROVED FOR.

    Oil of a similar spec wont hurt unless you have engine problems and VW do an oil test and turn you down because of non approved oil.

    The Polo manual says you can use the petrol rated oil. Castrol 502-505 can be bought at Supercheap for $40 plus whereas the cheapest you will get the other is about $69 for Penrite Enviro+ and $93 at a VW parts counter for Castrol Professional III 504-507

    Is more likely because they didnt put enough in Have you thought to pull the dipstick to check
    Last edited by Guest001; 13-08-2016 at 07:07 PM.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks Hillbilly. It looks like the search continues for the underlying problem!

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