I have used E10 in my Tiguan by accident once and found it ran fine. Sure i didnt go giving it a hard time, but there was no sign of rough running or any warning lights that came up on the dash. Given VW dont recommend it i wouldnt do it again, but if the sticker said i could use it i would use it all the time
I do find it strange though that everyone comments on the usage of it that probably outweighs the savings. I ran my 2007 Civic only on E10 and found it went extremely well and had exceptional fuel economy. I tried running half a dozen tanks of 95, to make sure the ECU adjusted, and found it was a waste of time as the fuel economy was no better and it didnt feel to go any better either so just kept using E10. This model Civic is ok with E10 per the fuel flap sticker
