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Thread: Govt is legislating 2% biodiesel by 2011 and 5% from 2012

  1. #11
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coaster View Post
    Thanks for that Diesel_vert.

    That's a massive reduction, 636 microns for standard diesel, 221 microns for 2% Bio-D. It's a shame they haven't got data for 5% Bio-D.

    I've always thought that Bio-D would be good for the engine due to their high lubricity, and ULSD is very 'dry'.

    What are the (potential) downsides to Bio-D?
    Bio diesel has higher viscosity than mineral diesel and severe tendency to cause injector nozzle coking especially in late model diesel engines. Bio-diesel's oxidation stability is worst than mineral diesel, so it will age faster (go off) too.
    So, I prefer not to use it.
    Last edited by Transporter; 08-06-2009 at 11:55 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    2-5% will have no ill effects. as has been shared already, the lubricity benefit is about hte only difference - that, and that a little bio in the diesel will add a little more oxygen to the mix and will result in a small soot reduction (probably immeasurable at 2-5% concentrations).

    if you have a tendancy to be 'worried' about things to do with biodiesel, this isnt something to worry about... and if you tend to be 'enthused' about biodiesel use, then this is welcome news.
    '07 Touareg V6 TDI with air suspension
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  3. #13
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    I now have some 60,000 km experience of use in my TD42 engine and also my older 2H engine which I have since sold. My 1HZ engine also laps it up. I make all my fuel from cradle to the grave including washing and centrifuging. I have never experienced a problem with my injectors and I run bio 100%. The Golf is chomping through its first tank of bio and you cant tell except for the smell. I think a lot of the speculation about bio is pure paranioa. I have a friend of mine who is a naturapath who I tried to convert to bio and he was so taken by the fuel he now uses it as a moisturiser instead of a fuel. It burns clean and pure and is clearly a superior fuel. Just stick your head near the tailpipe, sniff and compare, the difference is obvious.
    Spark ignition is a threatened species
    Biodiesel is the best emission control money cant buy
    MK1 5 door Mexico Beige 5/79 Golf GLD 1.5

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coaster View Post
    Thanks for that Diesel_vert.

    That's a massive reduction, 636 microns for standard diesel, 221 microns for 2% Bio-D. It's a shame they haven't got data for 5% Bio-D.

    I've always thought that Bio-D would be good for the engine due to their high lubricity, and ULSD is very 'dry'.

    What are the (potential) downsides to Bio-D?
    Also, where can you find 5% Bio-D? Gull sells 20% Bio-D here in Perth, that's all I can find.

    for my experience with Biodiesel go to my site and forum for a lot more information on Biodiesel.


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