Fuel of a quality compliant with EN 228?
Hi All,
Been trying to google what this means to no avail.
My Scirocco has a PR no. QI4, and in the owner's manual it indicates it should be under VW 502 00, but it also states the following...
Alternative engine oil specs > Only in the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Japan and Australia (a).
VW 504 00
(a) Alternative engine oil specifications may only be used in fixed QI1, QI2, QI3, QI4, and QI7, and only when fuel of a quality compliant with EN 228 (petrol) and EN 590 (diesel), or fuel of an equivalent quality, is available in the particular country.
It also mentions that engine oils compliant with VW 504 00 and VW 507 00 are therefore unsuitable for use in a large number of markets.
I can't find any information regarding EN 228 in Australia.
I tried googling "what does EN 228 mean in octane levels?" and "is EN 228 the same as 98 octane?" but nothing really comes up Australian related.
Anyone care to explain if EN 228 means for us in Australia?
I use BP Ultimate (98 octane). Is it as simple to say that this meets the EN 228 quality?
MY14 Scirocco R, Candy White, DSG, Panoramic Sunroof