Ye that what I have always said, but ultimate seems to crud in comparison to the above
I have tried other e10 blends & not had the same result
My car gets BP 98 Ultimate, and it will stay that way. I don't want to experiment with my engine. There is not many stations in Perth that sell biofuel anyway
1991 BMW 318is RED E30
Where is this united? Might have to try it.
I generally run 91 (yea you read it right) in the laser, cause that's all it needs. Every now and then I'll put an octane booster/injector cleaner/premium in here to help clean it out a bit.
Havn't driven my golf long enough to test out different fuels. But i wasn't planning on runnin 98 all the time, as manufacturor specs indicat 91 min. (it's a mk1 okay?) so I'll probably end up running it at 95 for a bit more power/smoothness.
With my engine, I would be willing to experiment with ethonol mixes. see what happens. why not, engines only live once!D
I know of 5 off the top of my head, Hallam, on the princess hwy, Narre warren, on Narre crany road, drouin, on princess way, and warragul on the same road. Also Belgrave gembrook road in Emerald, and there a a heap more.
I have gone back to using 98oct.
After driving on e10 for a while I started having problems with the car starting, it would run rough & blow smoke. The engine has 295k on it & the valve guids seem to have gone, when I run 98oct I don't seem to have the start problem as much, in fact the car starts good most of the time.( time for the ABF)
It is not recommended to use on engines with high K's buy the servo stations as it will makre the car run hot, I did not have any issues with temp only bad starting
G'day mate,
I owned a 1987MK2 Golf and was advised not to fill up with biodiesel as this fuel, similar to ethanol is quite aggressive and the pipesystem of older vehicles cannot sustain it. That applies for diesels as well as petrol engines.
I am now driving a VW Polo (199and I never put any ethanol in it. You'll be okay with the current VW range as these have been upgraded specifically to meet ethanol and biodiesel fuel.
1985 GolfMk2 CL