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Thread: E10 in MK6 GTI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Users Country Flag

    E10 in MK6 GTI

    I stupidly let my sister borrow my Mk6 GTI while I was on holiday and judging from what she said, I think she has put some E10 into the car and a mix RON95 from Caltex. All up I think it was about 1/2 a tank and she did about 200km on the car.

    I got the car back with about 5-10 litres in the tank and have since filled it with RON98. It seems fine at the moment albeit that the fuel efficiency has gone down and it is not as responsive anymore.

    Is there anything I should do to "clean out" the car? I'm just hoping that the power and fuel efficiency will come back as soon as the left over crap in the tank has been diluted or used. What would have happened if she did a full tank of E10?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Ringwood, Victoria
    E10 will actually clean your car out better than even Bp ultimate, just run keep running 98, no worries for that small amount that has fine through, the ecu will have learning values regarding what kind of burn etc is happenin so it will know when there is a lesser fuel in it anyway and compensate.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Use of unleaded petrol containing up to 10% ethanol is acceptable. The ethanol component itself should cause no harm - in fact, ethanol actually helps in cleaning up the fuel system.

    The real issue is that premium unleaded E10 is not common in Australia, which is a problem because the engine needs 95 RON or higher.

    Regular unleaded E10 has a typical RON of between 93 and 94 (which explains the lack of response), but provided the engine speed and engine load is kept to a minimum, no damage should occur.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Gosford Central Coast NSW
    Some independant (Metro, that I've seen) servo's sell 98RON E10.

    I almost exclusively buy from a Metro servo - the fuel is very good, and the one I go to has awards for fuel storage clenliness
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Users Country Flag
    now, if she puts in diesel... then you're stuffed... lucky diesel nozzle in australia are bigger and won't fit...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Rowville, Victoria

    Quote Originally Posted by rs73 View Post
    now, if she puts in diesel... then you're stuffed... lucky diesel nozzle in australia are bigger and won't fit...

    Why is it the all low flow diesel pump nozzles are exactly the same diameter as petrol nozzles?

    It is only hi flow pumps that have the larger diameter nozzle.
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