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Thread: Can my engine run on unleaded??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    North Beach WA

    Can my engine run on unleaded??

    Hello again peeps!

    I was just wondering whether or not my engine can run on unleaded

    It's a '79 cabriolet 1600 carby - original engine i think

    Not sure of the engine suffix code as it's not visible on the block but the number is 028 572 (prob won't help)

    I'm using lead substitute at the mo' because previous owner did but would rather use straight unleaded if the valve seats will take it!

    Anyone know when VW started fitting hardened valve seats or if my particular engine has em?

    Cheers guys!

    He who dies with the most toys wins!!!!!!!!
    2000 Golf 3.5 Cabrio lowered, low ratio box black-on-black-on-black
    2010 Tiguan TDi Manual Stage2 tune, DPF delete Egr delete
    2008 Jetta BWA DSG Stage 2 tune, 3"VF intake
    Formally known as WA 79 cabby

  2. #2
    syncro Guest
    All Golfs can run on unleaded. But not standard 91 RON. (Use 9

  3. #3
    brackie Guest

    Hardened valve seats

    All alloy heads that I know of have cast iron (or steel) inserts as valve seats and the Golf is no exception. Remember why lead was put in petrol... to provide anti-knock ability which meant you could run the ignition timing a little more advanced and therefore obtain more power...and as an upper cylinder lubricant. It's lubricating properties helped reduce valve stem wear and prevent valve seat recession which have ruined many an LPG fueled motor because of the lack of lead.

    It would be inter sting to hear stories from users who are using unleaded without additives and have pulled their motor down to inspect wear.

    Yes, Phill...higher octane fuel is recommended.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Asaka-shi Saitama Japan (from Tassie)
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    This is something that interests me. Same as Jap cars. They have been able to run on ULP since dinosours walked the earth. Yet all the time in the herald sun in the motoring section i see people ask the motoring "expert" what they should do with their 79 corrolla...."run an additive" he says...all the time.
    bet if u e-mailed him bout a golf he would tell you the same.
    Always! it annoys me! if u read most of the stuff about the cars from Germany and Japan from the old(er) days it states run 98 RON Unleaded. they have had that stuff for donkeys years!
    Cheers, Benny

  5. #5
    syncro Guest
    The guys that write this are journalists and know nothing about cars.
    I've met some of them and worked for them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    This has me interested also, my 1.6 carby has always been run on leaded or with lead additive. Can i simply just put premium in it? Do i need to clean anything to make it reliable?

    Thanks Guys!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by intensem1 View Post
    This has me interested also, my 1.6 carby has always been run on leaded or with lead additive. Can i simply just put premium in it? Do i need to clean anything to make it reliable?

    Thanks Guys!
    Put premium in, no additives required.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    North Beach WA
    Thread Starter
    The thing that's bothering me about the unleaded debate is that when leaded petrol was phased out in the UK, i took my 1981 1.1L polo down to the local VW dealership and ased them i they could check it for me. On of the techies came out with a rag and cleaned my engine number up so that he could read it and then compared it with a small booklet he had in his hand. (The booklet was about the size of a credit card and unfolded about 3 times - if anyone knows about it) The booklet had all the VW engine prefixes in there and he told me that mine was fine to run on unleaded as it is, without any modification.
    But because this guy told me that mine was fine on unleaded....that means that there are others that AREN'T fine to fun on unleaded!? Or else why woud he have the booklet??
    He who dies with the most toys wins!!!!!!!!
    2000 Golf 3.5 Cabrio lowered, low ratio box black-on-black-on-black
    2010 Tiguan TDi Manual Stage2 tune, DPF delete Egr delete
    2008 Jetta BWA DSG Stage 2 tune, 3"VF intake
    Formally known as WA 79 cabby

  9. #9
    syncro Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by WA 79 cabby View Post
    But because this guy told me that mine was fine on unleaded....that means that there are others that AREN'T fine to fun on unleaded!? Or else why woud he have the booklet??
    They are all fine to run on unleaded. But define unleaded.

    When people talk of unleaded in Australia they really mean 91.
    All VWs and Audis since 1972 will run on fuel without lead.
    But some require 95 or 98.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I had a booklet years ago with all the VW/AUDI engine codes in, it cam efrom VW. Every VW/Audi built since about 1974 can run on unleaded.


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