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Thread: 506.01 T5 Owner - where to purchase 506.01 spec oil??????

  1. #11
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    Jan 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by mattjenna View Post
    I'm not sure if anyone here is qualified to comment - however, I was under the impression that the 507 spec was OK so long as servicing was NOT on the long life program. Could it really be correct that the 6/2006 introduction of a DPF resulted in entirely different engine components
    Usually, PD TDI engines on the "Time and Distance" regime and "LongLife" regime use 505.01 and 506.01 respectively, or 507.00 if fitted with a DPF (irrespective of service regime).

    However, no distinction is made in regards to the service regime and the application of 506.01 or 507.00 lubricants in R5 and V10 TDI engines.

    My understanding is that R5 TDI engines fitted with a DPF as standard equipment (which call for VW 507.00) do at least have different engine codes.

    As to what any differences there are regarding the engine itself (if any), that is something in which I'm simply not knowledgeable enough to give a definitive answer.

    Quote Originally Posted by mattjenna View Post
    as far as I can work out there 507 spec is lower ash than the 506.01 and that's the difference in the spec?
    That would be one difference, but it is unlikely to be the only difference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amalgam View Post
    From the Valvoline Lube Guide

    A premium, long life synthetic engine oil designed for Volkswagen Euro IV engines with DPF (Diesel Particle Filter) requiring VW 504 and VW 507 technology. The product can also be used where VW 503.00, 506.00, 506.01 are specified. SynPower XL-III 5W-30 is suitable for engines with WIV system and for extra long drain intervals up to 30.000 Km. or 2 years. SynPower XL-III SAE 5W-30 can be used in modern VW, AUDI, Seat and Skoda gasoline and diesel engines and gives excellent protection even under extreme circumstances.
    507.00 can be used in applications requiring 505.00, 505.01, 506.00 or 506.01 - except for certain R5 and V10 TDI engines.

    The OP's vehicle (a 2005 VW Transporter with an R5 TDI engine and not equipped with a DPF) is one of those exceptions.
    Last edited by Diesel_vert; 09-05-2014 at 01:45 AM. Reason: As always, this information is subject to change by Volkswagen AG.

  2. #12
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    Do the following sites charge significantly less for VW 503.00/506.00/506.01 approved lubricants than a Volkswagen dealer?

    Fuchs Titan Supersyn LongLife Plus 0W-30: $88.63/4L
    CDA Eastland Trade Supplies

    Liqui Moly Synthoil Longtime Plus 0W-30: $149.95/5L

    Repsol Elite Turbo Life 50601 0W-30: $21.95/1L
    Repsol online store

  3. #13
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    Still around $150 for the Castrol stuff at the dealership.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  4. #14
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    506.01 is the long service live spec. standard 15000km service oil for 2005 T5 is 505.01, Penrite Enviro+5W40 meets this spec ( and is available in Repco and many retailers.
    Cheers Slacker

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker View Post
    506.01 is the long service live spec. standard 15000km service oil for 2005 T5 is 505.01, Penrite Enviro+5W40 meets this spec ( and is available in Repco and many retailers.
    Cheers Slacker
    ...and for the sake of your engine, stick with the approved oil only.

    Meets, exceeds and similar claimes just indicate that the oil is not approved.

    Liqui Moly has VW506.01 approved oil, which SYNTHOIL LONGTIME PLUS | 0W-30 – LIQUI-MOLY Australia
    Last edited by Transporter; 25-10-2017 at 07:11 PM.

  6. #16
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    Agreed, but the document in the link for Penrite Enviro+5W40 shows this oil has been tested and approved by VW to 505.01, therefore should be suitable for for regular 15000km service interval use and is readily available.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker View Post
    Agreed, but the document in the link for Penrite Enviro+5W40 shows this oil has been tested and approved by VW to 505.01, therefore should be suitable for for regular 15000km service interval use and is readily available.
    if your T5 is made before 7/2006 and has 5 cylinder engine you have to stick to 506.01 approved oil and Penrite doesn’t have any oil with that approval. Also, please note that there is an expiry date for these approvals, so you have to check that you’re using approved oil.

    Of course you can ignore all of that and take the oil company word for it and go with their guesses. I saw these “meets exceeds” rolled back in the past, most likely as the engine/transmission claims started to creep up.
    Last edited by Transporter; 26-10-2017 at 12:14 PM.

  8. #18
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    Thanks for the feedback Transporter, no wonder there is confusion....the 2005 T5 vehicle manual stipulates 505.01 for normal service and 506.01 for longlife service. So sounds like we now need to ignore the manual and only use 506.01!

  9. #19
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    Unfortunately the very early T5 2.5l engines had cams & followers made of "chocolate", and so they were very prone to premature wear & failure. IIRC the differences between 506.01 and 507.00 was discussed many times and at great length over at the useful T5 website the brick-yard eg
    Oil: 506.01 v 507.00 once and for all... I hope! - The Brick-yard - Page 1

    TLDR: Many people believe that 507.00 is as good or possibly even better than 506.01 but early T5 cams & followers may wear out even with the best oil changed regularly. Obviously you need to do enough research to satisfy yourself.
    Last edited by gregozedobe; 05-11-2017 at 12:17 PM.
    2017 MY18 Golf R 7.5 Wolfsburg wagon (boring white) delivered 21 Sep 2017, 2008 Octavia vRS wagon 2.0 TFSI 6M (bright yellow), 2006 T5 Transporter van 2.5 TDI 6M (gone but not forgotten).

  10. #20
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    What about 505.01?

    Quote Originally Posted by gregozedobe View Post
    Unfortunately the very early T5 2.5l engines had cams & followers made of "chocolate", and so they were very prone to premature wear & failure. IIRC the differences between 506.01 and 507.00 was discussed many times and at great length over at the useful T5 website the brick-yard eg
    Oil: 506.01 v 507.00 once and for all... I hope! - The Brick-yard - Page 1

    TLDR: Many people believe that 507.00 is as good or possibly even better than 506.01 but early T5 cams & followers may wear out even with the best oil changed regularly. Obviously you need to do enough research to satisfy yourself.
    Great thanks, I get the issue of not using 507 in T5 pre 2006 2.5l engines. I am still not clear why 505.01 as recommended in the manual for regular service intervals is now also not recommended???
    Can any clarify?

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