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Thread: 2.0 Tdi Oil

  1. #11
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    Depends on who does the pre delivery down here I think. My sticker had 7,500 but a couple of others here had 15,000. There seems to be no consistancy with all the late golfs or Polos that I have seen service sticker wise.
    Par 6 Golf GTI. Coilovers, BBS CH Wheels, APR'd
    Caddy van 05/07 (colourcoded) (BRIGHT! orange!) coilovers, Konis 18in. wheels, Oettinger tuned

  2. #12
    brackie Guest


    Could it be Jackson's drumming up business? Andrew, what's your opinion on service intervals? 5000km, 7500km or 15000km?

  3. #13
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    I am doing my car every 7.500 kms. I just did the 15,000 km service last week, 2nd service. I did my mk4 every 7,500 too.
    If a customer wants to go every 15,000 kms then thats fine by me. I do a 15,000 km service every 8 weeks on a 1.9 TDI that travels to Savage River every week from Huonville. That car is due for a cambelt change next service already! Thats the only negative, I think!
    The only downside to a 7,500 km service is that it fills the service book up too quickly!!!!
    I had a 2.0 TDI the other week that had very low oil at 7,000 kms. AThe oil light was coming on because it was so low. That is a common probklem during the early periods of some TDIs. The car was bought new in february. I have heard that they settle in ok though.
    Par 6 Golf GTI. Coilovers, BBS CH Wheels, APR'd
    Caddy van 05/07 (colourcoded) (BRIGHT! orange!) coilovers, Konis 18in. wheels, Oettinger tuned

  4. #14
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    i need a name of a good oil quick (cos i wanna buy somem today)!!!! our TDI needs a top up and todays the day, whats a good oil to use? cheers
    VW: it aint just a car, its a way of life
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  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Adelaide South Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by gtimk5
    Depends on who does the pre delivery down here I think. My sticker had 7,500 but a couple of others here had 15,000. There seems to be no consistancy with all the late golfs or Polos that I have seen service sticker wise.
    Yes I forgot to say in my earlier post that my sticker says 15000km.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Adelaide South Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by GoLfMan
    i need a name of a good oil quick (cos i wanna buy somem today)!!!! our TDI needs a top up and todays the day, whats a good oil to use? cheers
    When I inquired around 9 months ago the only oil I could buy was Castrol something from the VW parts dept. in 1 litre containers[you can imagine the price] the only other size from Castrol was a 200litre drum.
    I am sure that by now things would be different, going by the no of diesel golfs on the road.
    I spoke to the service manager at my dealership & he said they use mobil that meets the spec. & if I bought in a container they would sell me some
    to top up if needed. This might be the way to go for you too until the oil becomes more readily available in say 4/5 litre containers.

    Last edited by brackie; 01-10-2006 at 04:49 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    Caltex Havoline Synthetic 5W-40 Volkswagen, 502.00 and 505.00 (SAE 5W-40)

    TITAN SUPERSYN SL LONG LIFE PLUS 0W30 A full synthetic low viscosity SAE 0W30 engine oil, specifically formulated to meet the requirements and demands of late generation VW and AUDI vehicles requiring specification VW 503 00, VW 506 00 & 506 01.

    Castrol stuff is still a dealership only product....but you can use the 5W-40 Magnatec if you are inclined.

    If thee were me then I'd go for the Titan is German after all.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    South Australia

    When to change?

    My car has only done 1700km. I am interested in this debate about oil but also when to change it. I would think more often is better but my dealer's service department said leave the original oil in for 15,000 because it is special "running in" oil and if I changed it too soon it might not wear in properly.

    cheers Macca

  9. #19
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    it wont damage the engine if i top it up with the Caltex or Titan oils will it? my engine has done nearly 3000km
    VW: it aint just a car, its a way of life
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  10. #20
    Join Date
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    with the dust and flies in western Victoria

    Nope..............well, highly unlikely!

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