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Thread: Things i'am almost too ashamed to admit on a public forum

  1. #1

    Things i'am almost too ashamed to admit on a public forum

    What lurks in your closet

    My name is Peter and i have a problem...

    I have entered my VIN # so many times into shipping website , i can rattle of by heart my own Eos VIN # .

    Is pretty sad considering at age 48 and approx 19 cars latter, this is the first time that i know, or even care what my VIN # is.

    Don't doubt that even in a decade or so, i'll be able to bore the sh.t out of anyone unlucky enough to be around me with that piece of irrelevant info.

    In the true sense of denial, it's not really my fault....VWA made me like this.

    At least i'am not dependant on my dealer for updates. His computer info from VWA is hopelessly out of date.

    Well that feels a lot better...must go to those adult forums and come clean on all the other deficiencies in my character.


  2. #2
    brackie Guest


    I went to my local bottle shop on a Thursday morning with the local newspaper under my arm. The chain had an ad for a beer that I particularly like and I went to the counter and asked for a slab. "Oh no...." said the drivein attendant, "It's still on the truck." " Well get it off the truck!", I said..." " Well the truck's still in Melbourne!" was the reply.

    So it just goes to show that manufacturers and retailer shouldn't advertise something that they haven't got.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Lowood Qld
    Users Country Flag
    could this be something to do with our nation sooo loooong in abatement regarding an upcoming election???...that now everyone is playing the dirty politicians game of promise after promise. We have been brainwashed by he game of tag and tagged and roped in and sucked under into the abyss of evil lies to make a buck...oh no, wait I just found 34 billion! I stashed them away for arainy election day!!...who wants it ?? Hang on, what do we pollies get for them $$$ ??

    german - english translations esp vw documents!!

    Dismantling 95 Seat Cord'a and 73 campers and 74 dc van !!! Some Mk1 and t2 ant3 gear in my stash,,,

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by de7158 View Post
    What lurks in your closet

    My name is Peter and i have a problem...

    I have entered my VIN # so many times into shipping website , i can rattle of by heart my own Eos VIN # .

    Is pretty sad considering at age 48 and approx 19 cars latter, this is the first time that i know, or even care what my VIN # is.

    Don't doubt that even in a decade or so, i'll be able to bore the sh.t out of anyone unlucky enough to be around me with that piece of irrelevant info.

    In the true sense of denial, it's not really my fault....VWA made me like this.

    At least i'am not dependant on my dealer for updates. His computer info from VWA is hopelessly out of date.

    Well that feels a lot better...must go to those adult forums and come clean on all the other deficiencies in my character.


    Just you wait untill the night before you are due to pick it up. It was horrible!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Whubbsie View Post
    There is nothing better than a polo badge, thats why you will notice Veyron drivers with polo gti badges.... they know where the true sizzles at!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Newcastle, NSW
    Users Country Flag
    If only you could import one without a dealer!

    I get most of my toys direct, and it saves hassles of a middle man.

  6. #6
    Fred Nerk Guest

    Memorising your VIN. You sad person.

    (I simply stored my VIN in the clipboard so that I could paste it in every day to see what was happening)


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