I cannot believe these ratbags, I had been told to expect delivery early April, so accordingly on the 2nd April ( heh I'm no fool) I email and call the dealer to establish when delivery will be. After doing this every day for a week and getting no reply, not even a gee , we're sorry . I email the MD of VGA, I receive this gushing email, along the lines of: "my gosh, I am soo pleased to hear from you, I believe my toes are twinkling !".
I get a call from the head of distribution:
expect yer car early June, dono whats up with that nasty dealer, this is all in their computer. So I call the dealer and say please explain why I have to talk to the MD of VGA to get a tiny thing like a delivery date. They basically say: those lying hounds, this stuff aint in our computer, and scum like us are not allowed to talk to the MD. Well they got the scum part right. Either they are completely computer illiterate, or they are using a Sinclair ZX80, perhaps they should use a blackboard instead, or a piece of paper !! I did manage to wrangle some compo out of the deadbeats. I better not say what or every one will want one
<<end rant>>. Phew! I'm glad thats off my chest. Blackguards !!
- A|C