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Thread: Eos Pre-purchase: VCDS error log advice

  1. #1
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    Eos Pre-purchase: VCDS error log advice

    Hi all.
    We're thinking of buying an EOS that a local car yard has, and I managed to get a dump of the DTCs today (see the end of this post for the full error detail). It's been a while since I owned an Audi or VW, so I'm a bit rusty and would appreciate any comments on the following.

    In summary:
    • It looks like the battery might have gone flat, leading to all the voltage errors.
    • The HVAC error is probably real
    • The EVAP error is probably real
    • The Antenna error is real (the radio can't tune AM)
    • There's something funny going on with the remote - the passenger's door won't open form the outside, and the boot won't open manually. The Remote does not seem to operate the central locking at all.
    • The system date seems to have been reset to the default date. Flat battery again? Or something worse?

    I'd appreciate any comments on these errors. We basically need to decide to buy the car or not within the next 12 hours. Note: This car yard is not a VM Dealer, and I'm not convinced that their strategy f sending the car to their "electrical guy" is going to yield terribly good results.


    Damn - too many characters to post and I can't add attachments.

    Here's the Dropbox link:

  2. #2
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    Most of them (or all of them) could be related just to battery went flat or is getting older.

  3. #3
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    The EVAP fault code is fairly normal if it's a 2.0 (T)FSI.

    All the others seem to be flat battery related.

    Does the aircon work at all? Maybe the low refidgerant code is related. Perhaps it was re-gassed after a component was replaced, and the code not cleared.

    As for the aerial code, and the lack of AM recpetion; it's a VW, and they're probably not related!
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the tips, everyone. Yes, I should have been more specific - it's a 2.0L Turbo, 6sp manual.

    Good question about the A/C. It was freezing in Sydney on Saturday morning when we drove the car, so the A/C didn't get much attention.

    With respect to purchasing the car, I'm inclined to get the car yard to replace the battery (they're doing the discs and tyres), fix the remote, attend to the antenna fault, check the A/C and a couple of other things. I'll reset the codes and see what happens. The three-month statutory warranty will cover anything that crops up between now and the end of September and I'll keep an eye on the codes.

    Any idea if I can, or if I need to, set the dates and times correctly on the modules that have reported the faults - they seem to be all over the place.

  5. #5
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    Don't think you can set the date and time on the modules.

    The odometer is usually the only indication of when faults occur.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  6. #6
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    A funny thing happened on the way to the car yard.....

    I e-mailed a copy of the VCDS log to the yard and said that on top of the things they said they'd fix (remote not working, only one remote (not two) new tyres, new discs, fix the radio), I wanted the causes of the EVAP and HVAC errors fixed along with a report of how they fixed them, and a replacement battery as the current one is obviously on the way out. My wife called to follow up and they said that they were withdrawing the car from the sale and giving us our deposit back!

    So, an over-reaction? Maybe, maybe not, but there are plenty of other used cars around so we'll just move on to the next one with my trusty VCDS...

    The only thing we're a bit miffed about was the $300 pre-purchase inspection that came back saying "fix the tyres and discs, seatbelt latch, radio, and remotes and you're good to go". When I asked them if they scan the DTCs they said no because they don't have the gear. We're going to hit 'em up for a refund...

    Thanks to Umai Naa!! and Transporter for sharing their knowledge.

  7. #7
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    Well well, the car's back up for sale again a Sydney Prestige at Haberfield. "Priced for a quick sale". Indeed. These guys also tout the services of an "independent" pre-purchase inspection service, Road Check, who did a "450+ point inspection" and came back and said "change the tyres and off you go" after we'd paid our money. Turns out their "report" has so many disclaimers in it it's not worth the paper it's written on (much like the "extended warranty" the dealer tried to flog us) and they even have the temerity to say that the car should be inspected by a specialist after they're done with it! I thought that's what they supposed to be doing! Apparently Road Check spent an hour on the car: that's one inspection point every 8 seconds without allowing for time to get it on and off the hoist! Not bad going. Their inspection didn't pick up the EVAP error or the fact that the A/C had no gas, or that the battery was about to cark it. The discs were visually at or beyond their wear limit, and the Road Check report said that they "should be measured" by someone else. In fairness, the dealer had committed to replacing the discs and tyres, but I would have expected a "safety check" to come back with "these discs are xx mm past their minimum thickness" - it doesn't take that long to measure them, as most of us know.

    We actually contacted Road Check who went on the defensive and basically said it's all care and no responsibility. In the process of the e-mail exchange, despite Road Check reinforcing their position that their report is confidential, they'd contacted the dealer directly and discussed the situation (collusion?) and said to us that the dealer didn't want to deal with us because we wanted too much fixed! Um, sure...we basically wanted it to be roadworthy, and three faults that I picked up fixed...

    This car is currently advertised on most websites except, so caveat emptor....

    PM me if anyone wants more info.

  8. #8
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    WOW, $300 for the 1 hour inspection, without any gear, even the veriner calipers for measuring the discs?
    What are they thinking? It's an insult! I would be angry too.


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