since the start of this thread I've put the sticker that lists all the options of the car into the VAG checker thing online and confirmed that it doesn't have sport suspension
and since the start of this thread I've fitted my own sport suspension - very happy with it!
Agreed here, my opinion is and ive been around the trade a LONG time is the cars sell themselves generally, well sorry for generalising here as ive worked for Dub, Audi and Porsche so pretty much if you want a 997 it has sold itself before the boof tries to tell it has what it hasnt. As the powerful net now is a great tool before you shop i think the boofs are crazy to try and baffle you with the crud, after all you dont know who you are talking to. If a question is asked be as honest as you can as it will bite you and as lams has clearly pointed out he used a net tool to chekc what the car actually had
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