Won't be missed in a crowd. Looks good. Ballsy effort.
Yes the jury is still out with the mirrors it's about 50 50 for and against
To wrap a Touareg like this you would be looking at about $5500.
To do a colour replacement about $4500. This one took a little longer
because all the panels line up around the car so i spent a little bit more
time on this one.
Won't be missed in a crowd. Looks good. Ballsy effort.
I like it .. Id like to see it in digital camo as well
very cool. looks good
Just my opinion, but black mirrors, beefy roof rack, spotties.
My build thread here: 1.6 sr into 1.8T http://www.vwwatercooled.org.au/foru...-8t-63249.html
I love it, just what you need for Sunnybank shopping centre.
2012 MK6 GTD CW DSG Seattle's 3M Black Tint, Michelin PS3's.