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Thread: Trailer Light issues!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Trailer Light issues!!

    Hi, think this has been covered before but: Connected my boat trailer to my new V6 TDI Touareg and the lights flickered (lcd's) so I connected to my box trailer and all worked except blinkers come on for Brake lights, (both trailers worked fine on other cars) any suggestions??

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    If you bought genuine tow bar take it back to the dealer and let them sort it out, it shouldn't take too long. If you try to fix it and than go back to the dealer they could blame it on you.
    Last edited by Transporter; 13-07-2009 at 07:51 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Thread Starter
    Contacted dealer he said it's normal for blinkers to come on with brake lights, this a european thing and I need a device to increase the current to the trailer which costs $250, has anyone else encountered this?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    It doesn't sound right.
    That would be when braking suddenly in emergency, than the indicator lights come on (on some cars) to warn other drivers but I don't think that it applies to trailer and under normal braking. Try to ask another dealer or ask people who fit towbars.
    Last edited by Transporter; 15-07-2009 at 01:59 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Sydenham Victoria

    Trailer light issue

    Trailer LED Lights & Electric trailer brakes


    I have a 2008 V6Touareg, factory (not dealer) installed towbar and vehicle pre wired for trailer brakes. I wanted to use my Tekonsha Prodigy brake controler from a previous vehicle, VW could not help directly.

    After a bit of searching I found...

    Info on the web to make the plug to suit the installed wiring under the dash to connect the brake controler to the vehicle wiring, VW part numbers included not very expensive.

    Went to an auto elec in Richmond (Melbourne Vic.) and he sorted out the Brake controler and vehicle wiring, the brake controler was being upset by the on board diagnostics. He installed an interface to get the corrrect signal from the brake lights to the brake controler still leaving the onboard diagnostics to do their thing. You could possible find one in SA or give Steve a call for info

    A VW LED light interface is needed to fool the on board diagnostics (LED's draw minimal current) on trailers fitted with LED lights it works fine with LED lights on my boat trailer. (mine was part of the purchase deal)

    One other thing to look at is if the dealer (not factory) installed the tow bar and wiring, has the trailer light computor been programmed for Australian lighting standards


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Here's a link to my fix Not the most elegant solution, but owks for me. I guess it could be installed in a box and used for multiple trailers, but you'd need to be sure you could dissipate the heat.

    Works fine lasts 'long time. Ran the system on a 2 and a half week trip to the Flinders earlier this year and not a peep.

    Although, will it work on my new D3?

    Last edited by bobzed57; 17-07-2009 at 02:52 PM.
    2009 LR D3 SE
    2005 Touareg R5 Lux - gone

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Brisbane, QLD
    Hi Guys, i believe this should be a solution, I had was given a solution for my R36 (also on this forum under passat)

    The part Number is VGA0055204 LOAD LED LOAD SIMULATOR 5A-300708RA

    This is setup for a flat 7 pin design so assume there is a version for round also.

    The pack consists of a Male/Female extension with the load simulator in the middle, an instruction leaflet and a set of cable ties. The idea is this thing gets strapped (or permanently mounted) to the trailer, plugs into you towbar lead before connecting to the trailer plug.

    I believe these are about $200, however I do not know the exact price as it came with the towbar kit as a peace offering for the stuff ups I had along the way (a long story)

    I was told it was a deliberate piece of reverse engineering to fix the problem that is large issue with Touareg owners. I believe Bosch have also come up with a solution that can be a mod to the vehicle wiring but this is an expensive fix.
    Gone...........R36 Icelandic Gray Wagon

    Specialising in off-topic discussion

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    HI Guys,

    I believe the indicators illuminating with brake lights is a US thing?

    I think this is just a coding change in the trailer module.

    The LED light concern can be rectified by the load box because the ecu is looking for a resistance to check if the globes are serviceable. If there is no or very little resistance like an LED the vehicle assumes the globes are blown.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    One of the issues most overlooked when you get spurious indications on trailer lights is that of having a good earth. Make sure that where the earth lead joins the trailer chassis it's clean and free from corrosion. If you have a poor earth, it's not uncommon to see park/brake lights dimly flash in time to the indicators and because LEDs have much lower current requirements they're likely to be more susceptible.

    2009 LR D3 SE
    2005 Touareg R5 Lux - gone

  10. #10
    Guest Guest

    Coding issue

    Quote Originally Posted by TREGGA View Post
    Hi, think this has been covered before but: Connected my boat trailer to my new V6 TDI Touareg and the lights flickered (lcd's) so I connected to my box trailer and all worked except blinkers come on for Brake lights, (both trailers worked fine on other cars) any suggestions??
    Your blinkers come on with the brake becasue the trailer control unit is incorrectly coded it will have the coding on 1 it needs to be set on 3 i hope that helps

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