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Thread: Towball setup

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Hobart, Tasmania
    Users Country Flag

    Towball setup

    Hi all, I've just got my first Touareg, a 2008 model, and went to install the towball bracket into the towbar but wasn't sure what pin to use as there was two in the bag.
    One is just a normal pin with a ring on the end, the other has a lock on the end. I'm guessing they both do the same job but why supply two? I'll try and attach some pictures to make myself clearer.

    The first two are the same pin just from both sides of the towbar.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Towball setup-img_0846-jpg   Towball setup-img_0847-jpg  

    Towball setup-img_0850-jpg  

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