Now here is one for you all.
Reference is the owners manual.
Booklet 3.2 (Driving) page 77
"Ground clearance. This is the vertical distance between the level ground and the lowest item on the vehicle. Vehicles without pneumatic suspension. maximum ground clearance 240mm.
Vehicles with pneumatic suspension. maximum ground clearance 160mm in load level, maximum 300mm in X'tra level.
Vehicles with pneumatic sports suspension. maximum ground clearance 160mm in load level, maximum 280mm in X'tra level."
Booklet 3.5 (Technical data) page 18 (165kw diesel V6 TDI with DPF)
"Ground clearance at permissible gross vehicle weight vehicles without ride height settings 163mm. Vehicles with ride height settings. At street level 220mm, at load level (minimum) 160mm & at X'tra level (maximum) 300mm."
Reference is the Volkswagen Touareg brochure dated as at June 2007 page 35 (Dimensions)
"Off road dimensions, ground clearance steel spring suspension 237mm, air suspension 160-300mm."
I had measured my steel suspension unladen vehicle first using a tape measure and then by running a 234mm high spray can of 300g under the vehicle, so I would say my vehicle has a ground clearance of at lease 237mm as is.
Now if I was to get in with the wife, 2 x kids, the dog, a full esky and all the other rubbish I need to carry for a family outing I would believe that would reduce my ground clearance by some ??mm.
Flipper Dog