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Thread: toaureg or disco?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    toaureg or disco?

    Hi everyone,
    Am currently running a gti pirelli but it's getting a little bit little for our modest family of 3 and all our little effects. Starting to get more into the cruising/camping/fishing lifestyle and would like a little more room and comfort to do it in. Looking at both the Touareg and the disco 4 in diesel. touareg looks nicer inside but disco looks and feels more rugged. Also has won all those awards. Both equivalent diesels come out at similar $$$. Has anyone had to choose between the two? What are your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    The best advice is to go and drive both for an extended period (not the 1/2 hour run around the block) to see what you are more comfortable with. Landrover is more capable off road and is supported by aftermarket add ons but the Touareg is eazy to live with in daily driving. If you are just interested in cruising/camping/fishing than you won't have a problem in a Touareg.
    The thing I like about VWs are their general cabin layouts are generally the same so getting into one or the other is not too hard to know where everything is.
    Having driven both my personal view is that the Landrover is a bit "industrail" like, the drivers seat was not my happy place to spend any length of time in..... but better than a Nissan Patrol.
    Flipper Dog
    Now - T-Roc R, Audi Q5
    Past VWs- T-Roc R-Line, Golf 6, 7 and 7.5, Touareg 7L and 7P, Passat B5.5, Polo MK3, Polo MK4 and GTI

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    thanks, have tested the disco but really just around the block sorta thing. Surprisingly very agile for a 3 tonne tank. Have not tried out the touareg yet. Is there anything i need to be aware of in the newer touaregs? Any real problems? I know with the discos they had some teething rpoblems with the very earliest samples but not so bad nowadays. How do the diesel touaregs go for servicing/running costs and parts replacement/repairs?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Space saver spare tyre in the Touareg.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by idaho View Post
    Space saver spare tyre in the Touareg.
    That's what killed the Touareg for me. I need a car with a full sized spare. It was that and the astronomical price for a current Touareg with 4XMotion - well over $90K.


  6. #6
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    Sydney, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by dubbienewbie View Post
    thanks, have tested the disco but really just around the block sorta thing. Surprisingly very agile for a 3 tonne tank. Have not tried out the touareg yet. Is there anything i need to be aware of in the newer touaregs? Any real problems? I know with the discos they had some teething rpoblems with the very earliest samples but not so bad nowadays. How do the diesel touaregs go for servicing/running costs and parts replacement/repairs?
    As pointed out above the Touareg does not have a "real" spare tyre but if that is an issue there are heaps on Ebay to fit off older touaregs or Audi Q7s and just throw it in the back when needed. Entry level off road mode will get you where you want but the 4xmotion is $5k more if you need it and almost a 4-6 month wait, personally I am happy where mine can go... not looking to enter anything too extreme.
    As far as problems go both are on par, of course there will be some lemonds out there but in general both are built to last.
    Servicing on diesel Touaregs are 15k/12 month and costs about what Landrover would cost (via dealers), bigger dealer network with VW but watch out as not every dealership knows their way around Touaregs.
    Parts replacement would be the same, look on ebay etc, but as the Landrover is sold in greater numbers 2nd hand local parts/wreacking have greater choice there.
    I see you are from Sydney so book a test drive for a day from your dealer to get several hours behind the wheel of each. Don't just turn up on saturday afternoon. I like to ring up early into the week and give them notice (about 7-10 days) so the dealership can get what model I am interested in, it also gives them the impression you are fair dinkim on buying. Don't feel pressured by the dealer you approach for a test drive, the important thing is that you find whatever vehicle best suits YOUR taste.
    Flipper Dog
    Now - T-Roc R, Audi Q5
    Past VWs- T-Roc R-Line, Golf 6, 7 and 7.5, Touareg 7L and 7P, Passat B5.5, Polo MK3, Polo MK4 and GTI

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by DC1 View Post
    That's what killed the Touareg for me. I need a car with a full sized spare. It was that and the astronomical price for a current Touareg with 4XMotion - well over $90K.

    Agree a full-size spare is a must for Oz conditons, but absence of same should not be a 'deal buster' if one applies a bit of lateral thinking. I have a full-size spare sitting upright on LH side of boot. The loss of 20%-25% boot space is compensated by the huge amount of space under the boot floor (where the space saver used to be) for tools, off-road gear and other junk.

    If you find the right dealer, you can get a 4 X Motion for under $90K - even with air suspension, area view and sports interior options, my 4 X Motion came in under $89K

    Golf 103TDI MY09, Touareg 180TDI 4XMotion MY12

  8. #8
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    Jul 2008
    I better mention up front that I have a bias towards LR for 4x4, here’s why.

    I have owned discos and currently prance around in a Range Rover Vouge. My wife drives a Golf V, good mate who we travel & camp with and generally catch up at least fortnightly has one of the last V10tdi Touaregs (currently for sale), My brother drives a Disco4 3.0sdv6.

    The V10 Treg (with air sus) is comparable to any of the LRs off road, and I am talking rocky climbs, trails of sorts you find in the 4x4 parks, it's very capable and like the D4 and RR turns a lot of heads and raises eyebrows at the parks. The air sus gives the treg extra height and articulation that you won’t get on coils.

    On the road the Treg has a much firmer ride but with less body roll. The Disco definitely isn’t a yacht but my opinion is that it gives a more comfortable ride, noticably softer but obviously with slightly more body roll – if you want a sports car feel and ride the Treg is the pick. Seating and visibility in the treg aren’t as good, this is a personal issue and many will disagree. The V10tdi engine is a monster, unbelievable really and unbelievable fuel consumption – I mean it’s surprisingly economical if driven sensibly. The 3.0 V6 in the D4s are being remapped to over 730nm which I would assume would be similar to V6tdi Treg possibilities. If you are looking at new, the new Treg has the new 8 speed ZF box which is simply beautiful – D4 Gets the same ZF box very soon (announced in the UK) but currently has the 6. I’ve driven the new L322 with the same 8 speed transmission and it really is fantastic.

    After driving both D4 (SE SDV6) and V10 Treg on many occasions on different surfaces with/without trailers ect My pick would be the D4, it does feel more like a 4x4 but only really in seating position and the fact that it’s taller, personally I don’t like the D4 dash layout. You need to drive both cars in traffic and freeway to see which YOU like - I'm sure both cars will make you happy.

    My opinion is also swayed on the running costs – I’ve owned both brands for quite a few years now and VW parts on average are 30-100% more expensive for the same parts! I’m yet to find a part on the golf that is cheaper than the equivalent part on my Rangie. If interested in diagnostic gear, VW is serviced very well with VCDS, LR options are expensive and most products are VIN locked. Disco has excellent range of aftermarket and modification bits available, Treg like Range Rover is very limited.

    In Qld, VW wins hands down for both dealership and specialist non dealer support – LR is really poor, it is better in SYD, more dealers and some great non dealer alternatives. LR has a fanatical owners group (Australian Land Rover Owners), very knowledgeable and more helpful (sorry).
    Last edited by harlie; 27-03-2012 at 12:07 PM.
    Octavia vRS TDi DSG MY10 - RD Technik tuned
    Polo 9N3 1.9TDi

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by harlie View Post
    LR has a fanatical owners group (Australian Land Rover Owners), very knowledgeable and more helpful (sorry).
    I know, but it's only because not many Treg owners post here.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia

    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    I know, but it's only because not many Treg owners post here.
    Because this is the wrong site for Aussie Treg drivers, try Club Touareg Australia & New Zealand - Club Touareg Forums
    Flipper Dog
    Now - T-Roc R, Audi Q5
    Past VWs- T-Roc R-Line, Golf 6, 7 and 7.5, Touareg 7L and 7P, Passat B5.5, Polo MK3, Polo MK4 and GTI

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