Hey All. Essay alert. If you can't be bothered to read the story, the actual questions are in the final paragraph!!
Fairly new here. Just bought an R50 as a tow rig. Must say, it's pretty damn awesome at that. Have to keep checking the mirrors to make sure the 3 tonne trailer is still there!!
Just had a drama on a drive from Sydney to Melbourne. Just shy of Goulburn (not very F'ing far into the trip for those that don't know!!), the dash starts going off it's tits, flashing and beeping "Engine Fault Visit Workshop".
Call NRMA, and get them to scan code. Nothing. Resets each time you turn the car off. Head to a workshop in town, get them to scan code history. The one that stands out is "Exhaust Particulate Filter Fluid Reservoir Low". May not have the wording exactly right, but close to that anyway. Workshop there knows nothing, so says don't drive car. 90 seconds work and $75 bill .
Bit of googling and we find out a bit more about it. All info points to the fact that whatever's left in the reservoir would probably do the trip, and towing a 3T trailer at highway speeds for 9+hours will probably keep the exhaust temps up there and little chance of damage anyway. Hit the road again trying to make up time as we're running late.
Made it to Melbourne and back by simply shutting engine off and restarting every 20mins or so when alarm came back on.
This is where it gets interesting. As we're heading down the highway, we're frantically trying to contact VW dealers to find out if any of them can top up the fluid for us. Damn, these people don't know **** about their own cars. If I had bought this thing new (what, $150k-ish??), I'd be livid. After sales service? What's that?
Must've tried 6 dealers, and then VW assist. Argued with most of them about whether or not this car even takes this fluid. Most of them think I'm talking about Ad-Blue (which I know is wrong), and most of them just dismiss me and say bring it in for diagnostics. Eventually get one of them to listen and they dig out the part number for the unobtanium liquid. **** costs about $180 a litre (takes 5 litres), but alas there's not a single bottle in the country.
OK, essay over (sorry about that). Here's the actual questions I need help with. Firstly, has anyone replaced this **** themselves? I'm told it's some heinous **** that one wouldn't want to come in contact with and that the dealer should do it for us. Me, I'm not so confident in said dealers!! Secondly, there surely has to be some sort of aftermarket or other brand equivalent without having to pay the VW tax??
Can anyone please provide any assistance? Thanks all!!