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Thread: Looking to buy older model Touareg. Any advice?

  1. #1
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    Looking to buy older model Touareg. Any advice?

    Hi all,

    Title says it all really. I'm looking to buy a second hand Touareg and for various reasons I'm looking towards a slightly older model - though probably no older than say 2005 if I can help it. I have no set budget at this stage so what I am really after is advice as to the best model to look for. Known reliability, issues, pluses, minuses, engine with the best reputation (keeping in mind I'd prefer diesel and 6 cylinders or less). Anything to keep an eye out for in particular like problems to look for when inspecting vehicles and so on?

    I'm still researching (only started last night) and there seems to be so many different models between 2005 and now so it's a bit of a struggle at the moment.

    Any help would be highly appreciated. I'll keep reading through these forums and researching on the net


    - Matt

  2. #2
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    The best and the most reliable in the long term would be V6TDI. Get it inspected ny independent VW specialist. Look through this section, there are some threads that indicate some common faults. I would void the air suspension. Nice would be to get the one with the spare wheel carier, if you plan off road trips. Good luck with the hunt!

  3. #3
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    Thanks...yeah I like the V6TDI anyway so it's good to know that's probably the best bet to get my hands on. Skipping airbags seems like a no brainer but I thinking getting the full size spare will be difficult - I'm yet to see one with it

    I'll look long and hard though. I might approach a dealer and tell them what I'm after. Toyota seem keen to find used cars for you but I have no idea how VW are with this sort of thing. Can't hurt to ask!

    Back to the F1

    - Matt

  4. #4
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    OK so I've been doing my research but I still need some questions answered just to help me out a bit. I have researched these and am still reading but am so far not finding the right keywords to have the following answered:

    1) The V6 TDI does not have a timing belt but chains. When, if at all, do these need to be replaced?

    2) The engine does still however have an ancillary belt that runs some pretty important bits and pieces. When does this need replacing?

    3) In regards to the two 3.0L V6 TDI engines - the original motor and the upgraded 550Nm model. Other than the slightly increased power, torque and fuel efficiency, are there any glaring advantages to the newer motor? I'm assuming the increased figures are from some minor upgrades or even as little as an ECU configuration change...

    I had another question but it's slipped my mind. I really need to start writing this stuff down! I see the center shaft bearing issue is fairly prevalent. I need to read up on this more.

    I've started reading those self guided course things in the sticky at the top of the Touareg page for some good ideas.


    - Matt

    EDIT: Out of Curiosity what's the difference between the R5 and the V6 versions other than the engine?
    Last edited by mattaus; 31-07-2012 at 09:54 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    seeing as your questions have gone unanswered, may I strongly suggest you join Club Touareg - Volkswagen Touareg Owners Community
    There is a wealth of information there, from members who have experienced just about all there is to experience/know about the 'Treg.
    MY16 Touareg 4.2Lt V8 TDI/Pure White LED lightbox/REDARC Brake Controller/ Racechip/iDrive Throttle controller

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    You're right FJ Steve, the club touareg has a lot more active members than we have here.

    I'll try to answer some of Matt's questions, since I have Touareg with V6 TDI and the R5 engine in my T5.

    The chains in the V6 TDI should last the life of the engine, the ancillary belt should last over 100,000km and the one should replace it when the surface cracs in the ribbed belt start to appear (more than 8 cracks within 25mm length).
    There is not visible mechanical change between 500Nm engine and the one with 550Nm torgue. The good performance tune should bring the 500Nm one to 550Nm or more, with the same improvements in the fuel economy.

    The R5 5 cylinder engine 2.5TDI has 128kW, so it has much less power. There is no timing belt or any other belt to replace in the R5 engine, the timing gears should last the life of the engine, however there are the gates couplings that need to be replaced every 120,000km (it maybe more or less when the engine is fitted in Touareg).

    I would always choose V6TDI before R5.

    I hope that helps, but if you have more questions, just ask.


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