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Thread: Help... 'stop running gear fault' t-reg v10..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Users Country Flag

    Help... 'stop running gear fault' t-reg v10..

    New to this forum and this is my first ever Volkswagen... I have purchased a 06 V10 T-reg and am very happy with it.. I've only had it for a week and everything was working fine when the other night I was experimenting with the adjustable suspension when a message popped up on the MFI stating 'tank pressurising' this would come up as I turned dial to lower or raise.. I figured that it must be as I was using it.. The next day my wife took it for a drive and an a waring went off on the MFI saying ' STOP - Fault Running gear.. with a picture of a car with an up-down arrow.. The suspension seems to be lowered all the way down now and will not move, both at start up and trying to do so with the dial...
    Any ideas what it can be??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
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    You could have a leak somewhere or the compressor is not able to supply enough air to the tank. If you don't have VCDS look in the VCDS section there is a sticky caled VCDS who can help and try contacting someone with the VCDS cable to look at the data or take it to VW mechanic in your area.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    You could have a leak somewhere or the compressor is not able to supply enough air to the tank. If you don't have VCDS look in the VCDS section there is a sticky caled VCDS who can help and try contacting someone with the VCDS cable to look at the data or take it to VW mechanic in your area.
    If my memory serves me correctly i'm certain there was a campagin a while ago where if your vehicle fell into the range the air pump for suspension was updated with different parts. If the vehicle has a service history with VW it can be found out and if its falls within category you may be lucky. Check your drivers door jamb or spare wheel area for any campaign stickers, Also if you can post VIN, Cheers.

  4. #4
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    Thanks guys i'll keep you posted.. Car is at a dealership now (been there over a week as it took them a few days to diagnose) they told me it needs a new compressor.. about $500 for the new part $130 to diagnose and the rest labor?? Im scared what the cost might be but hell.. I just hope it fixes it!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    The compressor is pretty easy to replace, so they shouldn't charge you too much.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0


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