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Thread: Diesel=boring, let's talk about touareg looks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Diesel=boring, let's talk about touareg looks

    With all the seriousness of the discussion on bio-diesel of late I thought I'd throw the spanner in the works a bit and start (hopefully) more light hearted topic *The Look Of Your Touareg*

    Don't know about you but I'm starting to think that VW designs a great car, then spends the following years uglifying it, example Golf MKIV which IMHO is the most beautifl Golf ever, then came the buble MKV why????? and looking at the MKVI mockups, it looks like a Renault.

    Touareg, IMHO T1 is just elegant, then they throw in the chrome nose and the saggy headlights in the T2, and looking at the mockup looks like they want to put an Astra coupe on steroid and pass it off as a T3....

    Porsche on the other hand IMHO has gotten better with time, I didn't like the Cayenne1 that much, Cayenne2 improved the front, and Cayenne 3 mockups looks down right sexy (I'm a gonna save ma pennies for it if the real thing is any thing like the mockups).

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    I don't know but when I watched Miss Universe on TV the women I was hoping would win, didn't.
    So, someone said that there are no ugly women. I thing that the same has to be truth about the cars there is no ugly car but offcourse there is exemption to every rule.

    Some people chose the car by look and other by safety, practicality, reliability and who knows what else.
    When we were buying Forester in 1999 I went for handling and reliability and put the look last and I knew I was getting the ugliest (to me – there is someone who sees it as nice car) car in that category.

    I agree with you that they could do better job at the fashion department. Interior styling is not much to my taste either, but it is a joy to drive it. It handles like a car and many sedans don’t have as responsive brakes as Treg.

    I didn’t chose Treg or Golf just by their look.

    Last edited by Transporter; 10-09-2008 at 05:38 PM. Reason: add text

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
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    MM, (please don't take what I'm about to say too seriously), it would appears your path to the pinnacle of Dub ownership has been rather pragmatic and've obviously bypassed the joy of spontaneity that accompanies Dub ownership (normally), like:

    Heading out on a day drive and not knowing whether your beetle is going to overheat or not, and if it did, whether you're going to sleep in the car or not;

    Watching your kombie go up in flame one day because the battery has decided to part ways with the rest of the car;


    The coil pack that turns your Golf into a fireball.......

    Aaaaah, there's always a silver lining to every if you're with a girl, it's a good way to stay with her overnight and so on.....

    Now to ugliness.....dude, if Megan Gale asks me to marry her, I wouldn't careless whether she cooks, clean, likes outdoor sports, or into Dubbing....the sheila is just gorgeous......and that is final. Sometime it's good to let your left brain overtake the right brain.


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