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Thread: Aftermarket tyres

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Aftermarket tyres

    Apparently there is going to be a national standard for vehicle modifications that do/don't require engineering certificates. This was supposed to be in place from Feb 2008, and has been ratified in some states but not all.

    Here is a link to the section dealing with wheels and tyres.

    My understanding / interpretation of this document (page 18/19) is

    The Touareg is an off-road vehicle -

    Therefore - replacement tyres only need N speed rating (140km/h)
    - replacement tyres need to retain the load rating of 950kg
    - tyre diameter can be increased by 50mm
    - tyre width can be up to 1.5 times standard width

    This may help increase the range of tyres which can be fitted, and does not appear to be limited to AT tyres. If you have no intention of cruising for hours above 140k, the N rating will be more than good enough, especially as the load rating of "slower" tyres can often be higher as well.

    So lower speed, higher load tyres would be quite good, and they may well be $200 per tyre less expensive.

    Bit of a shame that the Touareg stud pattern is so rare (as far as I can tell, it's used by VW, Audi, and Mercedes G series only) that no-one is making steels which could be fitted with bush rubber for those trips away.

    Insurance is another issue, but generally they seem to be OK with whatever rubber as long as it's roadworthy according to ADR and Gov't registratiions. When the above regulation is in force, there will be no insurance problem (unless you prang while travelling above 140Km/h of course)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
    Users Country Flag

    I don't know mate about that speed rating.
    Logicaly if you drive on the road and vehicle can reach over 200km/h you cannot have tyres with lower speed rating.
    But anything is possible today.


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