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Thread: 2012 Touareg jumpy steering on full lock slow speed

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    Feb 2018
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    2012 Touareg jumpy steering on full lock slow speed

    2012 Touareg TDI. I have noticed when on full lock slow speed front wheels skid a bit, and feels very "drive trainish" if there is a term. This is causing front tyre wear. I read this can be a common issue from a failed stepper motor on transfer case. (Diff doesn't disengage properly in slow speed tight turns and causes excessive tyre wear). apparently there are two types of transfer case, one with electric locking and the other with self locking. Electric locking has a stepper motor and self locking has no stepper motor. Mine is the later with no stepper. Has anyone had this issue? Thanks in advance
    Last edited by micksmeaton; 03-07-2018 at 02:57 PM.

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