A bit late but for the Treg drivers benefit.
Dimensions: (mm) L 353 x W 175 x H 195 recessed terminal posts
Century/GS/Yuasa Batteries: p/n 115109 DIN92LMF (DIN95LMF fits too)
Bosch S4 DIN 100MF p/n 60038 L 354 x W175 x H190 recesed terminal posts 100AH CCA800 RC170
I stock Century batteries and can get you one if needed for any car (incl. Touareg) or any other application.
Those in Adelaide can pick up from me for $200 incl. GST with 24months warranty. Or I can deliver if you're close.
---------- Post added 14-11-2011 at 09:33 PM ---------- Previous post was 12-11-2011 at 03:27 PM ----------
When testing the battery in the Touareg, make sure that you test the battery at the battery terminals and not at the jump start posts. The battery in our Touareg is at least 4 years old and when tested with the battery tester, it failed and the tester recommended the battery replacement. Even after recharging the battery using the jump start posts located under the bonnet, the battery was still failing the test. Before ordering a new battery, I decided to lift the passenger seat to expose the battery and test it properly at the battery terminals, and the effort was well worth it. The battery is OK and the purchase of the new battery was put on hold, at least for now.