Just bid on a 1/43 scale Polo model, the same we have just bought, but red. German Ebay helps again.
Originally Posted by Green T4 Just bid on a 1/43 scale Polo model, the same we have just bought, but red. German Ebay helps again. You got a link to their store? I want a jazz blue mk 4!!!
Originally Posted by Whubbsie There is nothing better than a polo badge, thats why you will notice Veyron drivers with polo gti badges.... they know where the true sizzles at!
Oh ... Oh ... do they make those in Candy White? Dave
Just get some housepaint there and paint it up there matey! White as a sheet! Lol they probably do, it just would take you forever to find it probably
BBuying this now. Not cheap, but same as ours.
Available from ebay.uk
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