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Thread: VW Quality ? Anyone had Problems ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    sydney nsw

    VW Quality ? Anyone had Problems ?

    Hello all:

    Has any member had quality issues with their VW? For some reason, the Saturday Herald (Sydney) 7 July 07, again has highligted issues with vw and quality. This time they mention the Golf. Before they had mentioned the Passat. They reckon they rate poorly in surveys. From what I have read within australia and O/S, quality does not appear to be an issue, except in the USA when they had a recall of '06 passats with tie rod and windscreen wiper problems.

    Wheels mag gave the Mark v golf a great rap, as they did with the passat.

    So far by new passat tdi is a dream. Any comments or ideas????



  2. #2
    brackie Guest

    No problems

    My Golf TDI has now done 15,000km and is a year old. Apart from the recall to reflash the ECU due to the radio flattening the battery, it's been a perfect ride. Absolutely no quality issues.

  3. #3
    syncro Guest
    I have heard of many issues with SA Golfs. A few of the earlier Golf 5s had the bodies rewelded due to water leaks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I think it can be quite variable, just like cars from any other marque. The problem that VW and other more upmarket makes face is that when people hand over more money than the equivalent sized Korean/Japanese car, they expect that the car will be absolutely impeccable. This will obviously not always be the case. Some model lines seem to be a little more affected than others - one look at the Polo forum will tell you that there's quite a few people who have had issues with their little Polos as far as build quality is concerned, whilst others have had nothing but impeccable service from their cars.

    People who I've talked to and would certainly know what they're talking about say that a lot of European cars especially tend to be a bit more sensitive to neglect and abuse than cars from Korea and Japan (this is completely unrelated to the point I raised above about the Polo people having build quality issues). Why this is, is really a point for debate. I do know I've seen people in Golf V GTIs putting 91RON ULP into their tanks, along with people driving BMWs, Mercedes, Audis et al. I just know that's going to bite them, or the next owner of the car, in the ass - and will come to reflect poor reliabiity, even though the car was being run outside of manufacturer's specifications.

    I've even seen people in M3s, STis and AMGs putting 91RON in - it really does make me cringe.

    I've idly thought if these people even understood why doing what they're doing to save less than $5.00 (people spend more on coffee, daily) is especially bad - or whether they just don't give a toss because they're planning on selling the car when the warranty's up.
    Last edited by Wand Weaver; 08-07-2007 at 05:14 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    South Australia
    Users Country Flag
    Well said Wand Weaver
    - Ben

    1961 Karmann Ghia Coupé - 1993 Golf Cabriolet - 2006 Golf Comfortline 1.9L TDI
    2008 Jetta 2.0L FSI

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    sydney nsw
    Thread Starter

    VW Quality

    Hello All:

    Great replies........!!!!

    Yes we pay extra for what supposed to be a quality item. We should expect and demand that the company meet those expections. What, re-welding earlier S.A. golfs due to water leakes!!!!!??? (Sounds like Merc's)Well this goes back to my ealier post of sticking to VW= a fine GERMAN product; made with GERMAN materials; made by people of the country who have a vested interst in the product: and should be subjected to those strict quality controls. Not farmed out all over the world for cheap labour. As far as i am concerned this will effect VW. I purchased a passat as it is of GERMAN origin.

    Has anyone from our site contacted VW Australia re any concerns?

    At the end of the day, we as a motoring country, and us who favour VW's, are supposed to put up with any defects from VW (considering the euro to our $) or do we go out and get a Ford or Holden????

    Thank you,


  7. #7
    As has been said, people pay more for a european car than they do for a car of asian origin so naturally they expect more, and will complain about smaller niggles...

    A friend of mine has this theory that people that drive euro cars are wankers and like to whine more, but he drives a commonwhore. Enough said, agreed?

    My personal experience, my sisters hand-me-down volvo 850 has ticked over 380,000k with no major issues, my mums golf (MKIV) has ticked over 95,000ks with no issues, dads "new" Volvo S70 is about to notch up 100,000ks with no issues.

    My previous mazda (2003 model) went through assorted faulty gear box components, leaky seals and funny random burning smells before I ditched it at 75,000ks.

    As a general rule look after it, and it will look after you.
    I have my RED , 3DR MKV GTI with leather in manual and I love it!

  8. #8
    syncro Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by REDMKVGTI View Post
    As has been said, people pay more for a european car than they do for a car of asian origin so naturally they expect more, and will complain about smaller niggles...
    Rewelding the body is not a small niggle.

    The only thing European is the price.
    SA Mercedes and BMWs have problems also.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Users Country Flag

    Thumbs down

    Most manufacturers have problems.
    I have in my workshop today, a Holden Adventurer, (04 Commodore 4wd wagon) that has never been off road or treated roughly. It has had 2 factory recalls and has 39,000 kms on the clock. Front wheel brgs. have gone already!
    Seems to be the way of the world these days........
    Par 6 Golf GTI. Coilovers, BBS CH Wheels, APR'd
    Caddy van 05/07 (colourcoded) (BRIGHT! orange!) coilovers, Konis 18in. wheels, Oettinger tuned

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Penrith, NSW

    Quote Originally Posted by vw50 View Post
    I purchased a passat as it is of GERMAN origin.
    The unfortunate thing is that doesnt matter where in the world it is made/designed, if someone is having a bad day, got a hangover, thier cat died etc etc a small lapse in "quality" from when the car is a twinkle in a designers eye through to Hans Lieberman putting in the last dash screw can affect the car from that point on.

    Quality (generally) relies on people and process(created by people)..and people naturally stuff up, regardless of nationality.
    1986 MkII Golf GTI 16V (Sold), 2005 MkV Golf GTI (Sold), 2007 Polo GTI (Sold), 2011 Polo 66TDI (Selling), 2012 Passat 125 TDI Bluemotion, 2013 Scirocco R (Due October!)

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