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Thread: Report of the Inspection Commission "Volkswagen" (german) - detail on dieselgate

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Report of the Inspection Commission "Volkswagen" (german) - detail on dieselgate

    "Investigations and administrative measures relating to Volkswagen,
    Results of the field investigation carried out by the Federal Motor Transport Authority
    Diesel engine shut-off devices and conclusions"

    Hopefully someone who knows german can provide a summary.... (autotranslating a pdf is a pain)

    Has comparison data for many other makes of vehicle. "KBA carried out a total of 56 measurements on 53 models of diesel vehicles of the emission categories "Euro 5" and "Euro 6"."

    Published April 2016.


    A. Introduction ............................................... .............................................. 3

    B. Basics ............................................... ........................................... 5

    I. Formation and reduction of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) .................................................. ................. 6
    1. NOx formation mechanisms ............................................. .......... 6
    2. Measures to reduce NOx emissions .................................................. ................... 6
    II. Legal requirements .............................................. ............ 7
    1. European type-approval procedure .................................................. ..................................... 7
    2. New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) and expiry of the type 1 test ............................................ 9
    3. Regulations for the disconnection device. .......................................... 10

    C. Investigations ............................................... ............................... 11

    I. Volkswagen ............................................... ................................. 12
    1. Examinations ............................................... ............ 12
    2. Measures in the administrative procedure ................................ ........ 12
    3. Customer interests ...................................... ........................................ 14
    II. KBA field investigation of diesel vehicles .................................................. ..................... 14
    1. Vehicle selection ............................................... ................................ 14
    2. Implementation and methodology of measurements .......... .................. 14
    3. Results ............................18
    a. General Results ................................................ .............. 18
    b. Detailed individual results and their evaluation .................................................. .......... 19
    (1) Vehicles of Group I ........................... .......................... 20
    (2) Vehicles of group II ................ ................................... 70
    (3) Vehicles of group III ....... ......................................... 114
    4. Rating ....................................... 119
    a. Vehicles of the VW Group with inadmissible shutdown devices .......................................... ............................... 119
    b. All other vehicles ............................................... ........... 119
    (1) Vehicle or emission permits issued by the KBA ...................................... ................................... 119
    (2) Authorizations issued by other European approval authorities ..... ................................................ 119

    D. Conclusions .................................................. ............................................... ......................... 121

    I. Legal assessment .................................................. .............................................. ............... 122
    1. Scope of the regulations .................................................. .............................. 122
    a. Definition of "normal operating conditions" .................................................. ................... 122
    b. Requirements for switch-off devices .................................................. ............................... 122
    2. Legal assessment .................................................. .............................................. ...................... 122
    a. Definition of "normal operating conditions" .................................................. ................... 122
    b. Requirements for switch-off devices .................................................. ............................... 122

    II. Legislation changes already adopted .................................................. ................ 123

    III. Proposals for action .................................................. ................................................. ......... 123

    1. Future action at international level .................................................. ................ 123
    2. Measures at European level .................................................. .................... ..................... 124
    a. Disclosure of software .................................................. ............................................... ....... 124
    b. Verification and monitoring .................................................. ..................................... 124
    c. Type-approval legislation .................................................. .............................................. 125
    d. Applicability of the Regulations .................................................. ........................................... 125
    3. Measures at national level .................................................. .............................................. 125
    a. Verification of exhaust emissions by KBA .................................................. .... 125
    b. State testing facilities for inspections .................................................. ............ 125
    c. Disclosure of the Software and the Emissions Strategy .................................................. .. 125
    d. Independence of the Technical Services .................................................. .......................... 125

    E. Conclusion .................................................. ................................................. 127
    Only two vehicles maintained NOx below standard in all tests. Audi A3 2.0 L Euro 6 EA 288 - says not an Adblue model, but judging from the other test results, this is probably an error on the table. VW Passat 2.0 l Euro 6 EA 288 - passed with similar numbers and has Adblue.
    Last edited by bluey; 14-09-2017 at 04:42 PM. Reason: +TOC
    2015 Polo Comfortline 6M + Driving Comfort Package
    2011/11 Yeti 103 TDI 6M + Columbus media centre/satnav
    (2008 MY09 Polo 9N3 TDI retired hurt hail damage)

  2. #2
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    "All vehicles use illegal defeat devices." Which is no surprise given the previously published real world test data from the ICCT.

    4. review

    a. Vehicles of the VW Group with inadmissible shutdown devices

    In the vehicles of the VW Group with Euro 5 concepts (engines EA 189), the inadmissible shut-off device was able to be reproduced in its effect by the measurements. The inadmissible shut-off means that the statutory test is recognized on the test stand and is operated in an emission reduction mode in which the NOx emissions are reduced more. On the road, under similar conditions, a different mode is switched, the NOx emissions are increased.

    b. All other vehicles

    Up to the time of the publication of this report, no further disabling device could be detected in any other vehicle, as in the case of certain VW Group vehicles.

    The accusation in the USA regarding the use of prohibitive shut-off devices on some models with 3.0-liter engines has not been confirmed by the independent review of the KBA for the vehicle types Audi A6 and VW Touareg for the European market in this form.

    However, all manufacturers use defeat devices as defined in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007. In some vehicles (group II), measurements are easily seen outside the legally prescribed NEDC greatly increased NOx values. The producers justify the admissibility of the increase in emissions by the switch-off devices, mainly on the basis of the exception provided for in Article 5 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 with measures for motor protection or safe operation of the vehicle. It must be ascertained by the competent licensing authorities whether these increases indicate an inadmissible shutdown device or whether they can be plausibly explained and accepted on the basis of the applicable regulations.

    (1) Vehicle and / or emission permits issued by the KBA

    The manufacturers of the tested vehicles with critical emissions mitigation concepts (Group II) have already conducted intensive discussions in order to gain further insights regarding the increases.

    Despite the admissibility of shut-off devices, several manufacturers were encouraged to voluntarily carry out technical improvements on vehicles in service as well. The KBA will review these improved mitigation concepts before they are implemented.

    (2) Authorizations granted by other European approval authorities

    The KBA will inform the relevant European Authorizing Authorities of all the results, in particular of the identified abnormalities (group II vehicles) and ask for further evaluation.
    Article 3 of the European Legislation contains the definitions EUR-Lex - 32007R0715 - EN - EUR-Lex
    10. ‘defeat device’ means any element of design which senses temperature, vehicle speed, engine speed (RPM), transmission gear, manifold vacuum or any other parameter for the purpose of activating, modulating, delaying or deactivating the operation of any part of the emission control system, that reduces the effectiveness of the emission control system under conditions which may reasonably be expected to be encountered in normal vehicle operation and use;
    Article 5 provides the loophole everybody wants to jump through.
    2. The use of defeat devices that reduce the effectiveness of emission control systems shall be prohibited. The prohibition shall not apply where:
    the need for the device is justified in terms of protecting the engine against damage or accident and for safe operation of the vehicle;

    the device does not function beyond the requirements of engine starting;
    the conditions are substantially included in the test procedures for verifying evaporative emissions and average tailpipe emissions.
    Last edited by bluey; 14-09-2017 at 05:04 PM.
    2015 Polo Comfortline 6M + Driving Comfort Package
    2011/11 Yeti 103 TDI 6M + Columbus media centre/satnav
    (2008 MY09 Polo 9N3 TDI retired hurt hail damage)

  3. #3
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    Latest ICCT study was published 3/9/2017.
    Road tested: Comparative overview of real-world versus type-approval NOx and CO2 emissions from diesel cars in Europe | International Council on Clean Transportation

    541 cars tested.
    10% did better than Euro6.
    the other 90% didn't make it, showing a bell-shaped curve.
    13% did worse than Euro 6 by more than 10x NOx.
    Last edited by bluey; 14-09-2017 at 05:44 PM.
    2015 Polo Comfortline 6M + Driving Comfort Package
    2011/11 Yeti 103 TDI 6M + Columbus media centre/satnav
    (2008 MY09 Polo 9N3 TDI retired hurt hail damage)

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