Before I reply to your individual points, I'll state that I drive both MkV and MkVI Golfs
regularly, and am in a good position to compare them.
And yet each button is angled differently and set at varying heights, meaning there's no need to glance down at the wheel to differentiate between them. A day or less of acclimatisation is all that's required to get used to them. The MkV buttons are physically identical, and so are harder to differentiate without a visual cue.
I didn't need to "acclimatise" myself with the MkV buttons (when I first drove the car - coming from a Honda Civic FD) while with the MKVI, I had to take my eye off the road to make sure I was pressing the correct button. A observation that other people i have spoken to have expressed too.
The separate LCD screens are, IMHO, an ergonomic disaster. No-one should look that far down, away from the road, whilst driving. For the times when you're not driving, both MkV and MkVI provide an illuminated display of the temperature, right by the knob. I happen to think the MkVI system looks better and is a change for the better. So what if it may be cheaper to build... it doesn't make me any less satisfied with that change.
I have no issues with the LCD displays -the temp display on the RCD/RNS510s in the MKVI are also almost at the same eyelevel - Worst still, the illuminated numbers on the circumference of the knob are even smaller AND lower than the LCD screens of the MKV - so your argument is a null and void.
Insulting someone with a differing opinion is always a good way of swaying others' views to your way of thinking! I like it!
Yup - BrisGTI was the first to start - I just responded in kind.
Personally, I find the white is much easier to read at night. It's not as distinctive as the VWs of old, but from an ergonomic perspective I prefer it. Actually, I prefer it aesthetically too. Guess I must have a hole in my head. *Checks*
I guess you do - you bought a MkVI GTI. Perhaps you should get it checked out.
So many possible responses...
I will say, though, that I don't believe there's another poster on VWW who's so consistently negative about so many aspects of the MkVI - and the GTI in particular - as yourself. Thanks for your
opinions - duly noted. Enjoy your MkV, but please stop purporting your opinions as fact (and in the process deriding the legitimate views of others).