Relaunch with modern design and expanded content

Wolfsburg, 09 May 2007 - Volkswagen AG has given its Group internet presence a complete overhaul in terms of design, structure and content. The specialist websites for investor relations, sustainability and responsibility have been combined with information on the Group to form a single Group portal, and further topics have been added. From today, users can access comprehensive information on the Group featuring updated content presented in standardized form at At the same time, the Group website provides an overview of all Group companies and links users quickly and efficiently with the online presentations of the Group brands.

“The relaunch is aimed at strengthening the Group presence in the internet,” Stephan Grühsem, Head of Group Communications. “Our goal is to offer users a general outline of the structure and diversity of the Volkswagen Group and to provide detailed information on cross-brand issues.” Bringing together the individual websites presenting different Group activities which had previously only been linked to the Group website was an important step in this context. The user no longer has to click his or her way between different websites, but can now access key information faster and more easily.

The new internet presence is divided into seven main menu items; analysts and investors, for example, can access key financial data by clicking “Investor Relations”, while the “Sustainability and Responsibility” section covers social, ecological and economic responsibility, and technology issues are presented under “Innovation”. The section entitled “The Group” presents topics ranging from information on the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board to global production sites and the history of the company. The “Brands and Companies” section links customers with their preferred brand, and journalists can connect with the Group’s various press websites by accessing the “Press” section.

The Info Center offers a special service. This is where users can find information such as a comprehensive news archive, speeches and presentations as well as numerous publications. One especially practical feature of the Info Center is that almost all documents are available for download, and some of the finance and sustainability publications can also be order by post.

The Group website has been designed in two languages, English and German. From today, the website is the start page for the Volkswagen Group world, and both content and visual presentation distinguish the new website from the homepages of the brands and their markets. Visitors now have a simpler and easier tool for navigating in the virtual worlds of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft.

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