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Thread: just a night out in me dub

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    just a night out in me dub

    ok this is just a story of one of my outings i had could be an "interesting article" if u read it upside down...
    in canberra we have extreamly large round abouts every wher the most know is capital hill right near civic, all the drugos get smashed there,
    i was flying over the bridge towards civic just after a kill some civic ball muncher. tried passing a new BMW Z4, but decided he was better, so i as all us golf drivers do put the foot flat to the floor, with the round about approching fast and wet roads. we hit just on 150, i was about a car length behind (HELLO Z4 PEOPLE) so i ducked up the inside on the bike lane NOTE: anyone who has been around this road will know exsactly what im talking about.
    i launched the car, swear i got some air, cut infront of him about 3 car lenghts and the ass just started sliding out right for the gutter, so i panicked a bit wiped the poo from my ass and planted it, missed the inside gutter by about half metre still side ways swung back the other way and held about a 100m drift smooth as butter, befor swinging back againg and doing another smooth 50m drift befor locking it up to slow down right at the first set of lights....................... u know the days u wish u had a passenger in the car to witness things like this........this was one mind u this Z4 must of seen the rear of a famous white golf all over the shop which probly looked like i did it on pourpose. lets just say i bought a lotto ticket the next day...

    oh i didnt win either.
    the golf is not dead.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Users Country Flag
    thats bloody awesome drifting in a FWD awesome man... ****ting on cars that cost 15 times as much and have little weiners driving them that think there good would be a great feeling well done funny stuff to
    VW: it aint just a car, its a way of life
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
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    made me feel tough the next day ... i bought 5mm rear wheel spacers the next day i hope this help eliminates sliding now, but i been told by my go kart buddie im ment to bring the track in insted of out, its worth a try, so i can go a bit faster next time!!!!!
    the golf is not dead.

  4. #4
    imported_brackie Guest

    Caught on camera.....

    Officer Brackie here.....You can pick up your infringement notice(s) at the Carberra Central Cop Shop....

  5. #5
    black betty Guest

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    lol sounds like u did us proud , one time i beat a z4 up a hill at my house from 100 to just over 140 the hill is steep as , luckily i was in my turbo'd '68 beetle no decklid just a polished up t3 hangin out the back . i bet u he was just goin lol no exhaust just dumped straight out the turbo , now im just buildin my mk1 and hope to have some more stories like that soon
    cheers brenton

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Sunny Coast - The QLD
    Did you wake up sweating that the cops are on the way to your place?
    MK1 floG soon to have 16v 2L with cable change gbox - need a 16v turbo manifold

    "Fit the gearbox ya bum." Loon - best post ever!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Users Country Flag
    Brings back memories of a late night drive at the autofest last year. Chasing steves mk2 on a HUGE sweeper. Balancing the car on the throttle and making ground. Bloody great feeling

  9. #9
    Golfwise Guest
    We do things like that on every corner of every lap at the race track.
    Its fun fun fun till ya daddy takes the T Bird away ???????
    I was no different at your age but hanging the tail can be rectified.
    Explain your spring shock swaybar combination.Wheel track won't alter it much.
    I remember my first escapade on the race track in a modified Gold I spun on the third corner. I was an experienced race driver (of other makes) at the time and thought the suspension set up was cool.Boy was I wrong, I went home and reengineered the rear end and never spun it again(fingers crossed)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
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    yeah been looking at that, taking a trip to inline in quenbeyan for a complete set up, would be good to get it done properly like when they were installed
    the golf is not dead.

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