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Thread: Diesel outperforms petrol

  1. #1
    imported_brackie Guest

    Diesel outperforms petrol

    But...Not as economical as it should be! Also, a bit of a worry for those of us who enjoy the simplicity of (old) diesel engines. Anyway, you performance freaks driving GTis and the like, may be surprised by this article!

    An again, the reason that diesels may not take over in Oz is our pricing at the pump Too much goes to the government. In Europe, goverments are much more understanding!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag

    In the UK diesel is more money than unleaded as a rule. Not that long ago it used to be half the price. It's only the fact of the increased mpg that people actually still see a monetary benefit for using it. The cars cost more in the first place too, usually about a grand and you need to be doing over 15K miles a year make it worth the additional expense.

    On a back to back note. 2 mates of mine have MK4s one is a GTTDI 150 the other is a V5 170. The TDI kicks the ar5e out of the V5 everywhere. It also has never done less than 44 MPG since he has had it and regularly does 60 on his way home from work on the motorway.

    Only downside for me is spending nearly 10 Grand on it in the first place. I have run cars that cost less than it does to fill his tank up. And I am tight, being from Yorkshire...

    Oh and you can chip his to nearly 200hp. without loss of reliability and economy(to a certain extent).

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