among other stuff, this i found very interesting, bit a bit disappointed that its gonna take so long to bring it over, would be interesting to see the thing on our AU circuits
2006 Australian GT Champion Greg Crick has already
made initial enquiries into the recently announced Audi
R8 GT3. Crick who is involved with Audi in Australia is
currently sourcing information on build schedule and
when we are likely to be able to get some of the cars in
Australia. The response to this car was quite
overwhelming with 4 GT competitors who said they
would buy one when the GT3 version was announced.
GT is unlikely to see any of these cars until the end of
09/start of 2010"
Btw, that dog there, did it survive that dare devil leapage???Always wondered...
-1990 Mk2 GTI 5-door with AMK 20vt (260hp @ wheels)
-Arrow/Rotax 125 TAG X1E Go Kart