Like any technology if it is done well it can be very useful, but done badly it will lead to all sorts of problems (old time programmers may recall "GIGO" ie Garbage In leads to Garbage Out).
But given the choice between a mechanic who has NFI about my particular car working on it by himself, and the same mechanic assisted by a decent knowledge based system (designed by people who know my car very well), I'll choose the second option every time.
And it can be very expensive to get the expert knowledge required for something like this to work properly, and it also needs to be kept up to date as new common problems are discovered.
Last edited by gregozedobe; 02-10-2009 at 11:07 PM.
2017 MY18 Golf R 7.5 Wolfsburg wagon (boring white) delivered 21 Sep 2017, 2008 Octavia vRS wagon 2.0 TFSI 6M (bright yellow), 2006 T5 Transporter van 2.5 TDI 6M (gone but not forgotten).