Vento's are the shiz, hopefully it gets picked up and looked after.
Found this pretty tidy looking Vento on carsales
1995 VOLKSWAGEN VENTO GL Private Cars For Sale in SA -
1979 Mk1 Golf 2door (Under construction)
1994 Mk3 Golf VR6T, Autronic SM4, GT30r, Peloquin, 288mm Brakes, B&G coilovers
2000 Audi S4 Imola Wagon, Stage 3, J-fonz tune, F21's, ER SMIC, 034 DP's, JHM DTS, JHM Trio Short Shift, 350mm Brembo 6-pot, ABT coilovers, BBS CH, RNS-E, FBSW, Alpha 2.5 cat back
Vento's are the shiz, hopefully it gets picked up and looked after.
f#$% would be all over this if it was in NSW or vic even love maroun ventos!
76 Scirocco
Very nice looking Vento,it looks like a Jetta CLI,South African spec with its alloys and rear spoiler.
Brings back fond memories,I had a 1994 brand new in the USA,and a 1996 brand new in South Africa,both badged as Jetta 3 s.
Awesome cars at the time.