Went to see it today with my brother,as he is thinking of buying it for a suprise for my niece...
The advertiser is selling 12 hail damaged/repaired cars,including a 2010 Golf .
I might go and check my car out,to see how well its been repaired.
Went to see it today with my brother,as he is thinking of buying it for a suprise for my niece...
So how good was his repair job?
White Scirocco R
White MK3 Golf 2dr
White Caddy (Work Van)
OH...thats the thing.
It has NOT been repaired ,although the ad said it has been...
My brother feels that we know the car,I was paid out $25000 for it,and for my niece,it will be far superior than any other $13000 car.
However,we should have bought it at auction.
I am sure it would have gone for about $10000.
What irritates me is that this guy will make at least $3000.
He has tinted the windows...lol.
There will be no problem registering it,however we are just trying to find out if we are able to insure it.
I am just not sure what we should do.If it had been repaired,we would have bought it immediatly,and brought it home yestorday.
Sounds fishy what the seller is doing.
If it says its fixed and its not thats false advertising.
- Ben
1961 Karmann Ghia Coupé - 1993 Golf Cabriolet - 2006 Golf Comfortline 1.9L TDI
2008 Jetta 2.0L FSI
Is it advertised as a repairable write off ? Not sure how it works in VIC. but in NSW at least, it's illegal to sell it without declaring it's been written off. I agree with Phaeton, personally I'd stay right away from itMy .02c worth anyway.
2005 Subaru Outback 3.0 R Premium
check the vin / rego on vicroads it will come up. As I said sounds like this guy is being dodgy you are not allowed to sell more than a certain no. of cars without being an LMCT. Also another ebay seller in Preston selling a lot of damaged and hail damaged cars.
B6 Passat Wagon No KESSY
This was MY car.
He bought it ar auction,and I think is just wanting to sell it quickly and make a profit.
It has only done 38 kilometers since it was towed away from my house.
The only tragedy is that we did not buy it back at the auction.
My brother just feels it will be such a good,safe car for my niece to use as her first car.
The seller is a panelbeater,and was going to fix it,but broke his arm...
We have 2 days to deceide what to do with it.
Registering wont be a problem,VIC roads will register all cars affected by the storm on 6 March.
We were finally able to organise insurance for the Jetta TODAY,but when we called the new seller,the car had just been SOLD...
Hope it finally makes it to a good home,and will be fully repaired.