more doors, more whores
Bora gone Vento VR6 MKIV GSW TDI 7P Touareg TDI
Originally Posted by kenbot where were they released as a 5 door? Just about everywhere except Australia All 200 of the Australia destined R32's were 3dr, 100 Blue, 50 Silver and 50 Black.
Originally Posted by dylan8 more doors, more whores Also means you don't have to sell up when you settle down with one of them and start a family
My Tiguan TSI APR Stg2 + RPF1's
She would soon find another way to stop you having one
Originally Posted by OEM G60 She would soon find another way to stop you having one bhahaha. please dont tell me thats why there is no more G60?
Haha no mate, all my decision, sold it for an R32.
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