So what is (or was) it to begin with?
"This is by far my best replica".... im sure it is
im fairly sure ferrari make front wheel drive cars
Ferrari Replica 2007 | Cars, Vans & Utes | Gumtree Australia Blue Mountains - Warrimoo
So what is (or was) it to begin with?
If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit
Can't see why you would a knock-off, why not just get something nicer and genuine that's in the right price range.....
Also, bet it won't go like a Ferrari.
I remember laughing at this 2 or so months ago.
Its a hyundai Tibruon.
It's a ****ing Hyundai, what the actual ****.
I actually wrote this guy an email today with pretty much everything written in this post. god this add has annoyed me for months!
wtf! is this a "hunday'?
Mk1 Gti 81 2Dr
Mk2 Gti 88 2Dr
Mk4 R32 04
Seriously, its a freaking Hyundai. Never heard ANYONE compare the Tiburon to.... anything interesting.
I get the styling changes to make it look more like what he can't afford, but the badges? Thats just insulting to the brand. Like putting an R badge on a GTI (oh wait, people on here do that...)
The best bits:
Professionally lowered with Pedders springs : Because Pedders are the pinnacle of European handling
Manual Anti-Glare : UM, what? How can you control glare?
I love how he's comparing the straight line speed to cars 20+ years older as if that means the Korean car is somehow superior. The newest cars he compares it to are 24 years older... fair.
To be fair, I like his rims.
Last edited by noone; 14-04-2013 at 09:22 PM.