A Few updates.
Today was cool enough to weld so I broke out the gas and got busy.
The shock towers had been abused by the previous owner who had cut two coils off the springs AND oxy'd them. The struts themselves were stuffed too so you can imagine the hammering the towers took. There were cracks in the paint and seam sealer indicating that the towers had had a few good wallops.
For every one's interest, the wisdom that was given to me on the subject was that you should weld one inch long beads with 1 1/2 inch gaps between them. This is apparently to still allow for some flexing. Normally a mig would be used for this job, an oxy would usually be too hot and distort the metal too much. My torch is unconventional and designed for this sort of stuff so I can get away with it. I bought it years ago and it's served me well. If your curious see http://www.amweld.com.au/
The white thing is a fire proof blanket so I didn't send the K-Jet system up in flames.
In progress , the paint and body deadener caught fire a few times which is what all the black soot is from.
And here they are cleaned up, etch primed and seam sealed.
I'll paint them tomorrow when the seam sealer has gone off.
I'm going for the factory brushed on goo look.
The fumes from the burning paint and deadener were pretty fierce and I was using an air drill with a wire brush. So for those of you that haven't met me here's what I look like.
Red was looking a bit lonely and left out of all the attention, so it got a shiny new air cleaner today.
I managed to get the new tie rods in before dark today too. The inner ends on the old ones are pretty loose and had a small amount of play in them.
More work to do tomorrow!