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I got the cam cheap so I chucked it in to see what would happen
Next motor gets compression. Don't want to do any more development on this one.
Remember this is a stock, original 2.0 bottom end that cost me $50, there's only so far I can reasonably push it.
79 MK1 Golf Wreck to Race / 79 MK1 Golf The Red Thread / 76 MK1 Golf Kamei Race Car
7? MK1 Caddy
79 B1 Passat Dasher Project
12 Amarok
pete you got any interior shots in this thread? was just having a quick look and couldn't find any...just wanted to see if you were running a seperate tacho/shift light and if so where you positioned it...just brainstorming some ideas. thanks
78 2-door 1.8 KR 16v - twin dellorto's
I'll have to take a few and add them in.
Stock tacho is good for 11/14K rpm. There's just no markings beyond 7500. Just shift when the needle gets into the fuel gauge area.
Laptimer is more useful to me than a shift light.
79 MK1 Golf Wreck to Race / 79 MK1 Golf The Red Thread / 76 MK1 Golf Kamei Race Car
7? MK1 Caddy
79 B1 Passat Dasher Project
12 Amarok
OK here's the in car entertainment.
Top down.
Go-Pro Hero HD sporting the newly released LCD view finder option.
The digital displays are Jaycar Kits for Speed and RPM. I put them there hoping to capture speed and RPM on the video but the concept doesn't work too well due to the scan rate of the camera and the multiplexed displays.
Digital tach is handy though for when I'm revving into the fuel gauge.
In the radio hole is water and oil temp and the big light is oil pressure. It lights up red.
Where the ashtray used to be is a Long Acre lap timer. It works to a beacon on the side of the track. As you cross the line it reads the time for the lap you've just completed. It also records the laptime so you can keep a record.
It's pretty old tech but it works well and the display is big, clear and easy to read at a glance.
Working down lower the first switch primes the fuel system, it's on a spring return.
Next switch is fuel pump power. It gets it's power via the ignition circuit and a tachometric relay which only allows the pump to run when the engine is spinning.
The main purpose of that switch is to shut the fuel pump off manually in a hurry if I need to.
The round thing next to that is a reset-able circuit breaker for the fuel pump and the orange light next to that tells me there's power at the pump.
The little red switch on the end is just there to fill the hole.
In the cigarette lighter socket is a 5volt USB power supply to run my phone which collects GPS and accelerometer data using the TrackMaster app.
Usually there is a bluetooth GPS receiver on the dash too, a QStarz GPS 818X which I use rather than my phone's internal GPS as it has a higher (5Hz) sampling rate.
Lower in the console are oil pressure and voltage gauges.
All the gauges are VDO.
This is where my phone mounts when racing, it's an HTC desire.
Trackmaster does show laptimes but it's harder to read on the fly than the Long Acre unit due to the small font and the polarised sunnies I wear making the display just look black when I'm driving.
The post it note reminds me of how much fuel is in the tank, because I'll forget by the the next race meet.
Stock clocks although the speedo is a NOS MPH unit I scored off ebay.
Cheapo steering wheel cover is to keep my greasy mits off the suede wheel between events
Last edited by Peter Jones; 29-03-2011 at 07:24 PM.
79 MK1 Golf Wreck to Race / 79 MK1 Golf The Red Thread / 76 MK1 Golf Kamei Race Car
7? MK1 Caddy
79 B1 Passat Dasher Project
12 Amarok
thanks pete, appreciate it
78 2-door 1.8 KR 16v - twin dellorto's
Hi I am loving this marathon. It has inspired me to put my Mk1 on the race track.
Is there anyone in WA who wants to share in the glory as well as the bruised knuckles?
I have no experience in race driving but the GTI has a 2L Audi GT engine, five speed, Konis and Eibachs, plus full BBS race body kit. Happy to let a more experienced man take the wheel, I just want to get it back to working condition.