Nice 8v cam timing sprocket. I made my own instead of buying one. :D
Good stuff pete, hope you get it humming again soon!
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My simple machining skills aren't quite up to that yet.:rolleyes:
This one is pretty neat but seems a bit heavy @ 528 grams
It's a standard sprocket with the spokes milled out and the new center fitted.
Here's the flip side FYI.
Things took a bit of a detour when i was putting everything back together yesterday. The new radiator I bought turns out to be a Mk 2 one.
Well fair enough I figure it is a MK 2 motor after all, so I set about making it fit.
The mounting holes were easy, the studs line up with a couple of captive nuts that weren't used, so I drilled them out.
Thhe bigger problem was that I didn't realise that a MK 2 radiator is about 2 inches wider than a MK 1 radiator.
Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the MK 1.5 Fan housing!
Great stuff :D Nice choice with the Eurospec gear - they make really tidy gizmos ;)
That fan shroud is pretty neat Pete. VW Just used a bit of mecanno to stretch out to the boltholes. Yours will probably cool more.
It makes noises! Well at least it did until it made the really loud noise!
I took a while to get the injectors bled and then it fired up no worries.
I'd given it a few 5 minute runs while I checked for leaks and twiddled with the dizzy.
As I was rotating the dizzy I heard an almighty crack and saw a big flash and promptly removed myelf from the general area. I thought I'd stuffed the dizzy at first. There was a strong smell of electrical burning.
Upon investigation I have blown apart the temperature sender!:confused:
I must have got some wiring crossed up somehow and the thing has had a meltdown, it blew the guts right out of the sender! So much for fuses!
Hopefully it hasn't taken out the voltage reg in the dash.
Any body got a spare 2 pin sender? :D
Time for lunch and a bit of a think about the situation now.
Lunch is over - time to go break out the multi-meter!
Ok a few wiring gremlins sorted.
I'm not sure why the temp sender blew. I didn't think they were polarity sensitive, but That's all I can think of at the moment.
There's an un used MK 2 temp sender on the underside of the water inlet to the head. Can anybody confirm that this actually a temp sender and how it's wired? If I can hook this up instead of the MK1 sender on the head outlet it might save me some grief trying to find a new one.
For some reason the fan wasn't kicking in. Turns out there was no fuse in the fuseholder :confused: I don't remember removing it! I put new connectors on the wiring at the fan switch and replaced the fuse and it's all good now.
I took the car for a spin around the block, still needs tuning. You can feel the cam start to work at about 3.5K. I think I need to advance the timing a heap more.
I feels a bit warm in the engine bay but it hasn't been going at any speed yet so that's expected. It needs a good run now to boil off the last of the coolant that found it's way into the motor when the head gasket went south.
I might wait until next weekend to tune it on the road, it's still in race trim and the local police seem to have a blitz on this long weekend. Once it's back in Grandma's shopping trolley garb I'll attract less attention.
Yep. Long weekend = double demerits! bummer if you got caught.
Good to hear you've got in running and fix after it broke after you fixed it. :)