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Thread: Stan's Epic Golf Build: 1.6se becomes 1.8T

  1. #71
    Join Date
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    Munno Para West Adelaide
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    Hey stan a few questions, how did you lift the engine out by? Just chains? And where would i fasten the chains so i can lift it out? starting to get the 1.8t out this week

  2. #72
    Join Date
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    london, england
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
    SUCCESS !!! Got the car to run after changing a wire in the plenum chamber from the brown plug to the orange one, which involves the fuel pump relay!

    Thanks guys, especially Gav who spent a lot of time on the phone with me and Jmac who discovered the actual wire (after a fair bit of time checking out circuit diagrams - he is the wiring guru, will have to get this guy to chip it later).

    Also to Steve who offered me the chance to try his computer and check out his cars if need be.

    What a great forum

    stand by for more pics and updates...
    f*%$*ng great thread this. stan sorry if im hyjacking but i really need help.
    i know this thread abit old but this thread is the closest i could fine to my problem.

    now i have a 2002 bora/jetta. which was a 1.6 16v bcb engine,
    but i've now put a 1.8t auq from a seat cupra. same as a golf i believe.
    anyway im now stuck on this fuel pump relay wire in the plenum chamber.

    could you please let me know which wire or 2 this are please? and being the seat is a late 2000 model would i need to change a wire?
    and also noticed an extra wire on the bora's original 1.6 loom in the plenum chamber?

    please help someone

  3. #73
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    pm sent richie
    My build thread here: 1.6 sr into 1.8T

  4. #74
    Join Date
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    ok i can now finally post pics of me motor

    Stan's Epic Golf Build: 1.6se becomes 1.8T-wp_20140130_009-jpg
    Stan's Epic Golf Build: 1.6se becomes 1.8T-wp_20140130_011-jpg
    Stan's Epic Golf Build: 1.6se becomes 1.8T-wp_20140131_004-jpgStan's Epic Golf Build: 1.6se becomes 1.8T-wp_20140130_012-jpg
    and nowStan's Epic Golf Build: 1.6se becomes 1.8T-bora-2-jpg

    ok its still not finished, i need the speedometre programmed and i wanna put new brakes on her. but not long ago lost job. so things are now moving slowly, but damn i cant wait to test her for the first time.. dont get me wrong i have started her up.
    sorry stan again for hyjacking.

  5. #75
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    Sold the Bugeye to put in a pool for he kids, easier to buy a Gti but worked out cheaper at the time. I won't ever get back what was spent

  6. #76
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    Bora looks good Richie, vcds can recode the speedo

  7. #77
    Join Date
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    Hey stan was reading through your build and realised that the agu has 4 plugs in the plenum and the 1.6 has three :/ also my cars a 1999 and the agu is 2001 which involves the wiring change? Got a diy on how you fixed this? And any other plugs that had to be changed? Cheera mate!

  8. #78
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    Hey Anthony, this was my setup:

    Original sockets in the car - from the 1.6 there were three - Orange Brown and White. 3 sockets in the plenum and 3 plugs.
    Car is a 2000 model, 2000 1.6 and wiring

    AGU had 3 plugs Orange Brown and Green: a 1999 model and hence 1999 wiring.
    Orange and brown went in their respective sockets, and I slightly modified the white plug to go into the green socket: see page 4

    I made a map of the sockets and the colours of the wires that went to them, and same for both sets of plugs, to see what matched: See page 4

    I initially left everything as was - car would crank but not fire. Everything else appeared to work.

    In the end the only wire that needed changing was the one from the fuel pump relay to one of the sockets (cant remember which one, but it was a purple wire. I checked out some wiring diagrams for the 1.8T to try and work out which was the correct wire on the plug to swap them.

    In the end Gav (hvw100) helped me out with working out the wires and Jimmy Mac had a big hand in helping me test what was working.

    So to summerise - only 1 wire was out, it came from the fuel pump, and when mated with the correct wire in the 1.8T plug, by shifting the wire in the socket, it fired up and has been running ever since.
    My build thread here: 1.6 sr into 1.8T

  9. #79
    Join Date
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    Melbourne VIC
    Hows this going Stan?

  10. #80
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    going well thanks, a few gremlins to sort which i think are heat related causing a flat spot but still have it.
    My build thread here: 1.6 sr into 1.8T

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