Love that fan.
The rest takes me back 30 years when all that looked normal in a new car.
Love that fan.
The rest takes me back 30 years when all that looked normal in a new car.
Hahaha what tithe he'll dude, you even got a fan? I'll check this out tomorrow!
- Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
- Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
- Brown U.S import 81 cabby
- 88 Honda crx b18cr
Congrats! Those stripes look so good
Did someone say mk1 cruise????
77 Mk1 GLS 2 door - That sinking feeling
76 Mk1 Swallowtail 2 door - Replace that BMW & 76 Sweetheart
Congrats on getting it on the road buddy!